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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Honest Examination Of Race

One definition given for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it might also be a definition of stupidity. Let's look at some cities where large percentages of black Americans live under poor conditions.

Experiencing a violent crime rate of 2,137 per 100,000 of the population, Detroit is the nation's most dangerous city. Rounding out Forbes magazine's 2012 list of the 10 most dangerous cities are St Louis; Oakland, Calif.; Memphis, Tenn.; Birmingham, Ala.; Atlanta; Baltimore; Stockton, Calif.; Cleveland; and Buffalo, N.Y. The most common characteristic of these predominantly black cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some cities – such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark, N.J., and Philadelphia – haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. What's more is that in most of these cities, blacks have been mayors, chiefs of police, school superintendents and principals and have dominated city councils.



  1. This guy hit a ten-penny nail square with a sledge-hammer.

    Facts are facts...face 'em!

  2. Yeh, yeh , yeh , look at Marion Barry !
    If you always do , what you've always done , you always get , what you always got.

  3. Simple. White people won't get off their lazy asses to vote and black people know it.

  4. The old saying used to be "there goes the neighborhood". Now it's "there goes the country".


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