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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Boy Scouts of America Survey: 61% Support Current Policy of Excluding Homosexuals

The results of a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) survey shows that a majority of members support keeping in place the policy that prohibits homosexuals from joining or leading the organization.

Ahead of a May 23 vote on whether to change its policies to allow openly homosexual scout members and/or gay scout leaders, the BSA has provided CNSNews with the results of survey conducted in February of BSA members, parents, donors and other interested parties.

The survey’s executive summary describes it as “the most comprehensive listing exercise in [BSA] history.”

The survey shows that of the 200,000 adult members who responded, 61 percent are in favor of keeping the current policy, which excludes open and avowed homosexuals from the BSA; while 34 percent of the respondents said they would like to see the current policy changed.



  1. If they allowed homosexual scout leaders it would be like trusting your children to someone that could prey on little boys. Kind of like what happened with the Cathalic preists.

  2. The 61% didn't include the scout leaders that like boys...

  3. Good for them.... not shame....

  4. Fortunately, the BSA is a private organization and participation is voluntary. If you don't agree with them, don't participate (to put it bluntly...butt out! This is supposed to be the land of freedom. )

  5. I've got an idea. Why don't they form the "Gay Boy Scouts Of America"? That way the boys that join will feel comfortable and their flag can be brightly colored and everyone, including scout leaders would be comfortable and the scout leaders could set an example of how being gay in this country has a positive spin. Since everyone is now out of the closet it is a good idea to welcome these boys as gay pride members.

  6. When gay bot touches your SON: SUE THE BOY AND HIS PARENTS + Anyone else who supports gays.

  7. 10:05 They already do, just not "open". Same with Catholics.


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