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Monday, April 08, 2013


'Fetuses and blood all over the place': Medic's graphic account of 'be-heading live babies' at abortion 'House of Horrors' in Philadelphia

Steven Massof, 50, of Pittsburgh, pictured, testified at the trial of his former boss Kermit Gosnell on Thursday. He revealed how he saw 100 babies born alive and snipped at the back of the neck so they would die. Gosnell is charged with killing seven babies and a woman administered too much anesthesia at the clinic.



  1. Valuing life seems to have been forgotten here. What a pity. I hope they hang all of them.

  2. That is called a partial-birth abortion. It is performed late in a pregnancy. When the baby's head is delivered the murderer/doctor kills the baby by snipping the back of the head. It is called an abortion because the entire baby is not allowed to emerge from the birth canal. Barbaric and sinful...

  3. Barbaric sinful and completely endorsed by Barack Obama.

  4. When does your "privacy" right cross the line into a right to murder? A funtional baby (babies born at 6 months can often be nursed to health) gets his spine cut so someone who just can't seem to find (free for the asking) birth control measures can be alleviated of the burden of parenthood? Everyone who clamors for abortion rights should be forced to watch a late term abortion.

  5. I'm all for a woman's right to choose, BUT, partial birth abortions should be outlawed completely.

  6. As an Illinois State Senator Obama vehemently opposed the states Born Alive Infant Protection Act modeled after the Federal law that protects infants born alive from botched abortions. Margaret Sanger would have loved Obama.


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