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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today's Survey Question 4-16-13

Are you satisfied with the 
Salisbury Council reorganization?


  1. We all are in for a rude awakening. With Ireton gaining control of the council we will see give away and spending programs resurrected. The "Bricks" will get passed and we the tax payers will be spending about $150,000 per one bedroom unit that they renovate. The parking lots downtown will be sold off for more government housing which ultimately will be paid for by the tax payers. They will give away the old firehouse. And they will put through a budget that will require a property tax hike. Thank god I live just outside of the city. I truly believe this town is going to the crapper.

  2. It would be difficult for a president of anything to be effective, never having served in the organization or attended one of its meetings. If a total novice is the best person available to lead, there is a huge problem . . . or an agenda.

  3. anonymous 11:04, very much so. Let's just see what happens. I sent Jim Ireton and Jake Day a text message last night congratulating them. I went on to tell BOTH of them that I will stand by their side IF the concentrate on economic development for the entire City and NOT just the Downtown. Jake Day sent back a kind response and as usual Jim Ireton hasn't replied to my text messages for about a month now.

  4. All things considered, yes.

    I voted for you and Debbie, and obviously was dissappointed with the results. However, the numbers don't lie- it was a mandate.

    I think that most of us expected Mitchell to be president-now THAT would have REALLY pissed me off!

    Day is new, and Cohen and Spies also voted for him-we may as well be OK with it-it's not like we have a choice.

  5. because he's a pompous bitch

  6. joe, What do you expect the guy dislikes you don't you get it.

  7. Watch PAC 14, now that Ireton, Day, & Shields are in control. Should be more entertaining then the comedy channel. The three stooges in control.

  8. The voters have spoken. The voters are f***ing stupid. They will get their due. Can't wait to watch these idiots in action. Not for me to worry though, I live outside the city limits and Jimmy won't get a dime of my money.

  9. Anonymous said...
    It would be difficult for a president of anything to be effective, never having served in the organization or attended one of its meetings. If a total novice is the best person available to lead, there is a huge problem . . . or an agenda.

    April 16, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    It shows how stupid the city and council is for seating this person. He has no clue what is going on and it will be his way or no way with the other council members. He is also Irton's hand picked beotch so we will see a tax increase immediately because Ireton is a Democrat and he refuses to cut spending.

  10. April 16, 2013 at 11:10 AM

    Cohen and Spies voted for him because they are smart enough to know they were outnumbered. What good would it have done for them to say Nay? Hopefully they will have the intestinal fortitude to stay in there long enough for the next election. Hopefully the voters will wake up and get rid of Ireton, Day, Shanie and Laura during the next election.

  11. I think Cohen and Spies voted for Day "just because." What on earth would have been the point of arguing anything or putting in another nomination? If ever there was a time to go with the flow, this was it, so good for them. They just would have been hung for doing anything differently. Pick your battles.

    Any word on the mysterious after-the-meeting budget presentation of Ireton's? Anyone know how badly the taxpayers are getting screwed?

  12. Anyone else offended by Ireton talking Scriptures last night? I was. Hypocrite.

    Ireton forgets how many people he's shot off his mouth to about his contempt for religion and people of faith.

    All you faith-based groups he plays up to, he's playing you like a cheap fiddle.

  13. worst election results ive ever seen.
    they failed to reelect debbie and didnt give joe a chance. shame on them . they deserve whatever they get. thanks sjd

  14. Yes, Very much so! It's time for cooperation and respect for all those
    serving on the council.

  15. YES! About time we got something done!

  16. Debbie was a class act last night. I am proud of her.

    I noticed in the room were the same people who were there four years ago. slumlords, loweasle, JT. same old crew...

  17. The beginning of the end for Salisbury has finally arrived. The only hope is if Day has any backbone against the part time mayor.

  18. NO--this fix was in before the election was even over. Mitchell had made such an a-- of herself, Ireton decided Day should be president to calm everyone down.
    Should have seen Shannie in WalMart today, hollering to her friends...she looked and sounded foolish.
    They think we are stupid, how can anyone who doesn't attend the meetings, be elected as president? He has no experience in anything. Be ready to count the lies.

  19. In my opinion Mrs. Cohen will be our next Mayor. With all do respect, Mrs. Campbell's attitude was the beginning of the end for her. Several city enities and many in the Camden area lost repect for her. She
    served well!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Anyone else offended by Ireton talking Scriptures last night? I was. Hypocrite.

    Ireton forgets how many people he's shot off his mouth to about his contempt for religion and people of faith.

    All you faith-based groups he plays up to, he's playing you like a cheap fiddle.

    April 16, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    Ireton is an atheist. He was raised Catholic and left the church because he became gay and no true Christian believes that homosexuality is normal and guess what? It is a mental illness.

    If Jim Ireton was a Christian he wouldn't have done the things that he has done to his friends and supporters. He wouldn't have done what he did at Mojo's and Flavors of Italy.

  21. Anonymous said...
    In my opinion Mrs. Cohen will be our next Mayor. With all do respect, Mrs. Campbell's attitude was the beginning of the end for her. Several city enities and many in the Camden area lost repect for her. She
    served well!

    April 16, 2013 at 3:59 PM


  22. 3:59, what are you smoking to make that prediction? What makes you think Mrs. Cohen has any interest in being mayor? She has expressed none, zip. What exactly was wrong with Mrs. Campbell's attitude? Ireton smeared her right into the ground. What "many" in Camden are you speaking for? Yet you say Mrs. Campbell served well.

    Things that make you go hmmmm, 3:59.

  23. I was impressed with both Mrs Cohen and Campbell's comments last night.

    I hope the new council majority is smart enough to take advantage of Mrs Cohens intellect

  24. I have no great hopes but I have some faith left not everything will be bad. I am worried about incompetency showing it's head more often. Shields owes us all money ever paid to her but apparently the laziness and stupidity of the puppet is what a majority of my district wanted

  25. Ireton recently allowed a 20 year city employee to be wrongfully terminated. Hopefully the same will happen to Ireton. Only a low life bottom feeder would do what Ireton and his department head did.

  26. I just looked at Ireton's budget posted on the city web site.


    On page "316" under the Mayor's office Jim Ireton is again requesting a pay raise for Lore Chambers. He wants her to go from a pay grade 12 to a pay grade 15. This guy has lost his mind. Jim Ireton the best thing you can do for this city is eliminate that position. We can't afford to have a Mayor, a city administrator and an assistant city administrator.

    Check it out for your self and you1 wonder why your taxes are going up

  27. To those commentng regarding Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Campbell whom my family voted for. I stated "IN MY OPINION". Yes I belive Mrs. Cohen
    is the best person that has served on the City Council in decades and if she decides to pursue the office of Mayor would win by an overwhelming margin. Again "My Opinion!

  28. The voters replaced a Camden resident with another Camden resident.

    Day will be text messaged what is his opinion or vote should be, remember Gary and all his texting during council meetings? Barrie Tighlman worked Bubba's puppet strings.

    Debbie served our city well, Ireton is the one burning the bridges behind him.

  29. Saw it coming way back in February.
    it is what it is. you want a different way? get better canidates. What was presented were a joke. No matter who won, everyone lost.

  30. Thank you Joe for maintaining an aura of professionalism. While I enjoy reading many of the comments posted on Salisbury News, it is also very often disappointing to read the hate, low life language, and vitriol expressed by numerous "comment'ers".
    If you (anonymous comment'ers)are unable to voice and post your thoughts in an adult and mature fashion, please refrain from commenting at all. You reduce us all who read and post to Salisbury News to a low level of civility.
    I believe many readers find your behavior as being offensive.
    Again Joe, thank you for your persistence and professionalism.

  31. Bushman thats easy to detect. Many on here have sold their soul to the DEVIL.

  32. Doogie Howser for Council President! WTH is wrong with you people. Not only do you have a Doogie Howser with no experience you have a vice president slopping off the government trough with a husband that got fired from a state university for serious wrong doings.

  33. 7:27, I agree that Mrs. Cohen would make a great mayor. I think the way you said it left many to believe it was likely would happen.

    I agree with the person who said Mrs. Cohen will be drawn and quartered just like Campbell has. She would never be elected mayor because of that, even if she wanted it. I don't think she wants it. She has not shown any signs of wanting higher office. Which tells me she is in this for the purest of reasons.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Saw it coming way back in February.
    it is what it is. you want a different way? get better canidates. What was presented were a joke. No matter who won, everyone lost.

    April 17, 2013 at 8:03 AM

    I beg your pardon. Debbie Campbell was the best candidate for District 2 and Joe was certainly a better candidate for mayor. Please crawl back under your rock.

  35. ...and Bushman, you are more identifible than an anonymous name?? How's that work??

  36. Anonymous said...
    ...and Bushman, you are more identifible than an anonymous name?? How's that work??

    April 21, 2013 at 1:31 PM


  37. Joe is not perfect, but anyone with half a brain would have chosen Joe over Jim Liarton. Joe does more in his sleep for the citizens that Jim Liarton ever has.


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