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Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Letter To The Editor By Palmer Gillis

Dear Editor.

Let me begin by congratulating Jim Ireton and Shanie Shields on their reelection. I am particularly thrilled to see the overwhelming support that newly elected Jake Day received from our community. What a dynamic, honest, young man full of energy and fresh thought.

There have been , are ,and will be budget challenges to face as reported in the Times article about Salisbury’s assessed values dropping by 7%. It was reported that the only choices that elected officials have are to; 1) raise taxes, 2) cut employees or 3) cut programs. I would like to suggest another, always ignored, idea.

It is the responsibility and the job of elected officials to evaluate and implement the delivery of governmental services at the most efficient means possible.

A few years ago , in a non-binding referendum, the City voters voted and passed a measure and a message to the elected officials to explore, with Wicomico County, ways in which local governmental services could be consolidated to improve efficiency and mitigate the costs of delivering those services on a local level. With this result, the City Council that I was on, passed two resolutions, #709 and #710 which are now law on the books. This too has been ignored by elected officials over the years. It seems that once elected it just is not important to pursue this concept that has been successfully done in many , many jurisdictions. There are so many excuses that it could fill up volumes.

This effort could consider simple things like sharing the shooting range, snow clearing, animal control. Exploring how Human resources departments or information technologies departments could work in alignment. It could consider more complicated ideas like a Metropolitan Police force as proposed by former Chief Dykes who kept an open mind to the idea. How about focusing on the successes and using their models of cooperation like the consolidated tax bill that was recently implemented. How about the regionally praised consolidated Salisbury-Wicomico Planning Commission or how the Salisbury Fire Departments serve county areas. We have had success, let’s focus on that. Look at how other communities have been successful with this like Athens-Clarke County Georgia, a very similar area to Salisbury and Wicomico County.

It is incumbent on our elected officials to attempt to aggressively pursue the wishes of the voters to the fullest means possible. Mayor Ireton committed to this pursuit in his first election. With his mandate it would seem to be safe now to consider. Until such time as this idea has been fully vetted out, the local elected officials have not done their job. This process will be controversial, messy and complicated. It’s not a game for weenies. Rise to the challenge folks, it is your job. Instead of thinking of all of the reasons something cannot be done, think of how we can make it happen. I believe that the results will create better jobs, be a regional boost for Salisbury-Wicomico’s image and stimulate economic development like not seen before for our area in a good way. Taxes and costs for delivering the services will then only increase at a decreasing rate.


Palmer Gillis

Former Salisbury City Council President and member.


  1. Having lived in areas of the country, that have tried this. All were a failure.
    But, I'd expect this from Palmer Gillis. He plans to profit in a grand style with all this.
    He's a joke.

  2. A one word comment, I know for a fact!


  3. Thats why he supported the ones elected and reelected.Hes no fool.Its all about his pockets.

  4. "Taxes and costs for delivering the services will then only increase at a decreasing rate."


  5. It would be great if the two Councils will take Mr Gillis' letter seriously and work together, as they should have done all along. People who say things cannot be done is a detriment to at least trying. I wish people could be more positive when a "no brainer" comes along. BUT many times political issues will not be tried because all in political office do not want to lose the power. The hell with what is better for the taxpayers who pay their salary. The non-taxpayers stupidly vote them back in office because the taxpayer stupidly does not vote. There is also a second problem of too many living off welfare and too few proud workers paying their way.

  6. Appears the naysays been busy as bees writing negative comments.

  7. I tend to agree with Gillis but would like to add not only consolidation but privatization should be a goal. As people retire eliminate postions. An example being those city employees who do the landscaping. Contract out a private company to do it.

  8. Palmer, you know that Debbie Campbell has tried to push for consolidation and efficiency since elected. Jake didn't know a meaningful thing about it in the debates. I thought that you and Jim were friends. Why don't you go talk to him about how to write a budget instead of whining on the blog that you condemn? Jim, Louise, Barrie, and the others who developers seem to love to get special consideration, have gone in the opposite direction. Many of the financing functions could have been combined, HR, IT, I could go on and on. While you're at it go ahead and all out Rick Pollitt and the county. The Mayor has used the county's unwillingness to cooperate as his crutch. I for Jake Day, I caught him in quite a few lies during the campaign. He didn't gain my respect. As with your post, sometimes you don't seem to pay close enough attention to the details.

  9. There are lots of opportunities to contract out the work done by some city departments. If the municipalities took that approach cooperatively there could be even greater savings.

    1. Busineeses do work to make a profit....contracting out work that can be done by in house labor will always cost more money. The salary that people make in private sector is well above the local government worker salary....add that to the profit margin and you have doubled the cost of a project.

  10. Oh My! Consolidation (and privatization-A hugh no no for liberals) is going to go over as well as a turd in a punchbowl with the liberal majority council. This would mean less governement employees and everyone knows how they feel about that.

  11. Joe, there is a MUCH bigger issue. The public doesn't get it. As Debbie Campbell mentioned on Monday, while looking Rick Pollitt straight in the eye, the county OWES city taxpayers a differential. They are paying twice for the same services. It has been proven. People should be requesting an electronic copy of the study and turning out tot he county council meetings and demanding their money back. They should also be demanding that a fire service agreement that FAIRLY reflects use of the city's service outside the municipal boundaries is drafted and signed NOW (get an electronic copy of that while you're at it). It has been expired for several years. City taxpayers should be hopping mad and the county council, not the city council, is the place where change will happen on this issue. Salisbury taxpayers...it's YOUR MONEY. If you don't go and demand it you have no one to blame but yourselves

    1. They aren't paying twice for the same services...over half of your county taxes go to education..your city taxes do not fund education

  12. Palmer Gillis must have forgotten that the council (the legislative body) passes legislation, and it then becomes the responsibility of the administration (the mayor) to implement the new law... Both Mayor Tilghman and Mayor Ireton have failed to include requests in their budgets that would implement these laws.

  13. Mr. special interest, land developer supports anyone who helps line his pockets. No surprise that he supports Day & Ireton.

  14. Anon 8:36 Agree totally. Just for the record as a senior citizen the fact is the city has requested this from the county for decades. Thus the old debate. How many public schools does the city budget.

  15. He has profited before from City planning, he will again. I bet he gets Firehouse this time. How is the retirement fund from bypass doing?

    Builders, Developers all the same, make a fortune off other people. I bet he is sitting comfortable where he is...

    1. And what are you a Commie? Making money off of other people is called capitalism, comrade

  16. I guess he will now inherit the old fire house too? I'm sure he is delighted with the election's outcome.

  17. re: comments posted about the negativity that they're reading in other comments, it should be noted that Palmer's post is itself very negative.

  18. Anything to do with the county paying off city dept will not fly. City dug it's own hole city can pay it off.

  19. Ole chief Dykes wanted a city/county police force with him as commander and chief. He upset with his size.

  20. Maybe with Debbie, Terry, and the rest of the "let's do nothing till we study it to death" crowd out of the way Mr. Gillis can finally get the dilapidated firehouse at what seems to be "fair market value" (nobody else has stepped up to pay a penny more) off the City owned property list & onto the taxable property list.

    Suspect a lot more will get done, but would hope that those with more knowledge and common sense than little boy Jimmy prevail.

  21. 10:22 AM

    That would be Napoleonic Complex.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    Busineeses do work to make a profit....contracting out work that can be done by in house labor will always cost more money. The salary that people make in private sector is well above the local government worker salary....add that to the profit margin and you have doubled the cost of a project.

    April 17, 2013 at 9:25 AM"

    Not true. Read up on Weston FL-a city of 65,000 that gets by with just 9 employees and a budget of 120 million.
    Privatization done properly always equates to lower taxes.

  23. Once upon a time, I respected Palmer and his views. But that was long ago. His views, IMO have since changed and he mainly sides with the very people I oppose. I can only conclude it is for his personal gain. Palmer should stay out of politics or throw his hat back in the ring and let the voters decide if he is credible or not. Palmer, from where I stand, you speak from both sides of your mouth and I don't care for your opinions at all.

  24. Check out Louisville KY, 1 goverment for city and county.

  25. 9:27, That's why I suggested that you look at the study yourself. It was commissioned by the county and several municipalities jointly. It PROVES that a differential is owed. Inform yourself of what municipal taxpayers are paying twice for.

  26. Coming from Gillis, a man who has grown very rich from his gov contacts, I have only one question. So Palmer, which pocket to you have left to line with cash from your good friends in Gov? Oh yes, you are one of them ... garbage!

    Keep you pie hole shut...

  27. 8:36
    I think that if you check, the County is more than paying for the Fire Services that the City is providing to the County. The actual fire calls in the county, state, and nation have been going down for decades. Now the Fire Department has begun sending an engine crew on most ambulance calls to keep their numbers up!

  28. 9:27 doesn't get it. city taxpayers PAY for county services, but county residents DON'T pay for city services received.

    Gillis opposed the one person who has fought the hardest for what he says he wants -- Debbie Campbell. Therefore, this letter is just a bunch of tripe, or whatever name you care to substitute for tripe.

    How many times has Gillis gone to Rick Pollitt and the county council and sung this tune? None that anyone knows about. Only thing we've seen out of Gillis is bashing the city council so he could help unseat Campbell who has done the most to deliver on what his letter is about.

    Like a previous comment, the last couple of years have opened my eyes to what this guy is really all about.

  29. Palmer is a standup person regardless of the naysayers on here. He has done much that never gets published because thats the way he wants it. You have an issue with Palmer be specific.

  30. 12:36...specifically, Palmer stated that he had a deal with UMES to use the old fire house; when asked, UMES apparently had no knowledge of any deal with the old fire house. Again, specifically, Palmer is the one who was in breach of contract, not the city.

  31. Palmer Gillis has developed more property in the city than any of the chuckleheads commenting here. He set his nuggets on the chopping block and let the city take swing, they missed and he was successful. Don't like the system? Get off the couch in your parents basement and go out and develop the old firehouse. If you don't offer a solution, you're part of the problem.

  32. How would any one know the outcome and answer to an idea that has never been publically discussed. Wow, that are a lot of very uninformed brilliant people out there with no clue as to what they are saying. Until the leadership Mayor AND Council fully explore this how will we ever know if Gillis is right or wrong.

    Please prove him wrong or keep your mouth (pie holes) closed

  33. For 1:24. Why would three Vice Presidents of UMES attend and represent to the City Council their suport and involvement of the Firehouse deal at a work session just 6 days before the Council, in their wisdom, abruptly terminated the agreement.
    Get your facts right wise guy

  34. It would be to all of Salisbury's advantage to try and save money wherever possible; however, believing that "Mr. Day" was a fresh, honest man is truly unbelievable! Jake Day is nothing but a Perdue puppet, but in place to give passes to Perdue to continue controlling the area. Wake up Salisbury! You have made a major mistake!!!!!!

  35. 1:29; Mr. Gillis (and believe it or not I hope his vision for the downtown area reaches fruition) discussed the firehouse issue in his article for the Metropolitan Magazine. I heard that he paid $10,000 to be in the magazine.

  36. 1:33 PM

    Those guys didn't come with a plan, they came with a generic brochure.

  37. I can't believe some of the comments here. I hope you don't think Palmer Gillis got rich from his very questionable investments in downtown Salisbury. His wealth and success is because he is a hard working self starter who has a personal commitment to making downtown breathe again. None of us could live on the returns he gets from his downtown properties.

    Palmer is right. There are no cuts in any government budgets. Look at the budgets of the Federal, State and local governments. How many cuts are in those budgets? None. Folks, before we keep raising the taxes on property, rain, gas, tobacco, liquor and fees for sewage, car registrations, duymp fees, etc., could we focus on making sure we have maximized our efficiencies? I and my fellow citizens deserve that because we can no longer pay the taxes we have.
    Thanks Palmer!

  38. Anon: 2:03 I would have done the same, what you say!

  39. For what it's worth, I also think Palmer is right, (along with many others who agreed on resolutions 709 & 710.

    Once again, Jim Ireton ran his first campaign stating he too wanted to consolidate the City but as usual he lied.

    If this Council had any stones they would tell Rick Pollitt that they are shutting down the City Police Department in January of 2015, PERIOD. Let, (by law) the County protect the citizens and eliminate the cost of the SPD all together. It can start there and it's 100% legal to do so.

  40. To 2:03 did you attend the City Council work session when they came? I thought so. Make your comments on facts not envy.
    The Metropoitian donated the article to encourage positivbe action downtown. But I guess 2:01 knows somehing else that can be substantiated, if so please submit

  41. "Anonymous said...
    Palmer Gillis has developed more property in the city than any of the chuckleheads commenting here. He set his nuggets on the chopping block and let the city take swing, they missed and he was successful. Don't like the system? Get off the couch in your parents basement and go out and develop the old firehouse. If you don't offer a solution, you're part of the problem.

    April 17, 2013 at 1:26 PM"

    Built, renovated, etc maybe but not developed-there is a differece.

  42. There are no incorporated towns/cities in all of Baltimore county. It all gets done for less than what we pay. The Wicomico budget hearing said we are the 4th highest taxed didn't they? (stand to be corrected if I'm wrong) - they want to raise taxes over 8%. Now the city wants to raise taxes. How do they think people can keep this up?

  43. Has anyone ever been to Towson? How about Waldorf. Neither of which are incorporated towns. How do they survive?

  44. Can 2:33 even know what the difference is? I doubt it. Gillis was and is a developer AND builder. People, get your facts and information right!

  45. You want development and when a local person tries just that you get this negativity. You can't win in this community. It's a lost cause to try.

  46. its easier to just raise taxes!

  47. 2:32: Palmer's piece in the Metropolitan was nothing more than a political hatchet job which was published during an election...I don't think it matters so much if it was donated or paid for.

  48. Eliminate double taxation by consolidating all the services in all the incorporated towns in Wicomico right after you get rid of their charters. At least the people living in the towns would see their tax bills go down. But the towns voters will have to vote to do that. Start campaigning!

  49. 1:38, you're the idiot. i don't know that much about day, but i do know a lot about perdue's. if it weren't for perdue employing people in our area; this area would collaspe. your comment is laughable, stupid and scary. i hope you don't reproduce...

  50. 4:21 are you aware that many of Perdue's employees esp in the processing plant receive government entitlements? They can't afford to buy homes either which equates to property value declines. They bascially engage in what is known as corporate welfare which ends up sucking an area dry. Then they throw money so they can see their names on buildings and everyone will think how great they are but wouldn't it be better if they used that money toward wages which would boost the local ecomomy and benefit the community as a whole?

  51. Another comment from Palmer. Only doctors and Mr Gillis have GOD complexes. The self serving Metropolitan articles made me sick and many others. All this is is another way for Palmer to work the city. Who died and made him King of Salisbury. He moved to Ocean City and he should stay there with his opinions.

  52. 1:33 - you answered your own question.

    Gillis represented he had the support when he got the bid - and he didn't.

    At the 11 and 1/2 hour he came in with a loosey goosey support.

    This is what the privileged in Salisbury do.

    A contract is a contract. Didn't deliver? Boo hoo for you.

  53. Mr. Barnes, you are wrong about the local level. Thanks to the person you kicked out, the local government made cuts. Had Debbie Campbell been heeded by Mayor Ireton, you would have seen some of the very things Gillis is talking about. Gillis offered her no support out of spite over the old firehouse, supporting her spend spend spend opponent.

    His letter reads like someone with influence. The people of Salisbury will likely see initiatives on this now, when no steps would be taken as long as they were Debbie Campbell's idea.


  54. Palmer Gillis wants joint work between the city and county, but he supports Jim Ireton?

    Mr. Gillis has exposed himself. He notes how the city serves the county with fire service. He notes nothing where the county serves the city. County P&Z serves the city at a price, on top of what city taxpayers pay.

    Did Mr. Gillis call Jim Ireton on the carpet for trying to do the state and feds job by turning the Bricks into city-run housing?


    Did Mr. Gillis object when Jim Ireton tried to take over county responsibilities at city expense?


    Did Mr. Gillis object when Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton created their own I.T. and H.R. departments?

    This letter has an agenda in it, folks. Just you watch.

    I moved the hell out, after reading budget after budget, watching meeting after meeting, seeing the handwriting on the wall. Enjoying my lower tax rate and my safer neighborhood.

  55. Quit attacking the person and let's see what we can do to improve our community. Joe thanks for your comment it shows sincerity and
    dedication to our comunity. I beleive he said explore the opportunities

  56. 759 went for hook, line, and sinker. See ya!

  57. The election was rigged.

  58. Didn't Mr. Albero offer to buy the old firehouse? Wasn't the offer a million bucks. Was it even considered?

  59. Gillie writes to the people, but he is in it to line his own pockets. Beware a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  60. Albero offered a quarter million for the old firehouse, more than twice what Gillis did. He wanted to turn it into a Station 7 style restaurant.

    Gary Comegys said he would never allow Albero to have it.

    Gillis had nearly year and did nothing with it after he got the bid. But everyone blames those three council members. I think they did the honest thing to give someone else a chance.

    Gillis will probably get it now anyone, for even less probably. Just a guess.

  61. It's DEJA VU all over again!

    Whoever wrote this comment on Sby News long ago either knew all or had a crystal ball.


  62. Gillis didn't do squat in his time on council, but now he knows everything and makes nasty remarks about those in office now.

  63. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe, there is a MUCH bigger issue. The public doesn't get it. As Debbie Campbell mentioned on Monday, while looking Rick Pollitt straight in the eye, the county OWES city taxpayers a differential. They are paying twice for the same services. It has been proven. People should be requesting an electronic copy of the study and turning out tot he county council meetings and demanding their money back. They should also be demanding that a fire service agreement that FAIRLY reflects use of the city's service outside the municipal boundaries is drafted and signed NOW (get an electronic copy of that while you're at it). It has been expired for several years. City taxpayers should be hopping mad and the county council, not the city council, is the place where change will happen on this issue. Salisbury taxpayers...it's YOUR MONEY. If you don't go and demand it you have no one to blame but yourselves

    April 17, 2013 at 8:36 AM

    You have no idea what you are talking about and I am a bigger fan and supporter of Debbie than you are.

    There is no law that says Wicomico County owes any municipality any money through a tax differential. I know that for a fact.

  64. USMC Retired said...
    Mr. special interest, land developer supports anyone who helps line his pockets. No surprise that he supports Day & Ireton.

    April 17, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    Bingo! Have you forgotten that he wants the city to give him the old fire house? Have you forgotten that Jim Ireton tried to sneak in the waterfront property next to the old fire house for free. Debbie Campbell is the one that found out that is Open Space property that the city can't sell or give away. Have you forgotten he got the old Feldman's building for free? Palmer Gillis is pretty low on the scale of human life.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Maybe with Debbie, Terry, and the rest of the "let's do nothing till we study it to death" crowd out of the way Mr. Gillis can finally get the dilapidated firehouse at what seems to be "fair market value" (nobody else has stepped up to pay a penny more) off the City owned property list & onto the taxable property list.

    Suspect a lot more will get done, but would hope that those with more knowledge and common sense than little boy Jimmy prevail.

    April 17, 2013 at 10:30 AM

    The old fire house is not dilapidated and Joe Albero offered almost 3 times as much for the fire house than Jim Ireton was going it give it to Gillis for. Go crawl back under your rock Mr. Gillis.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Palmer is a standup person regardless of the naysayers on here. He has done much that never gets published because thats the way he wants it. You have an issue with Palmer be specific.

    April 17, 2013 at 12:36 PM

    What a joke. You should have signed your name so we would know if you are Palmer or part of his clan. We, the ones that are wise, know for a fact that Mr. Gillis got on the Salisbury City Council for self gain and it worked. He is a corrupt politician.

  67. Anonymous said...
    I think that if you check, the County is more than paying for the Fire Services that the City is providing to the County. The actual fire calls in the county, state, and nation have been going down for decades. Now the Fire Department has begun sending an engine crew on most ambulance calls to keep their numbers up!

    April 17, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    That is correct and if Jim Ireton and the city council was smart he would cut the fire department off and make it all volunteer. Then with those savings create a third service municipal E.M.S. agency with the saved tax dollars. Most of the E.M.S. is self sufficient anyway. The only reason the fire departments have E.M.S. is for the revenue it generates through billing. That money isn't returned back to E.M.S. it is used to buy and maintain new toys like a $14 million dollar fire house, new fire engines, new fire boats, new hazmat trucks, new hazmat foam trailers, new air units, new command vehicles, new chiefs cars and the list goes on and on. Now Ireton has thousands of dollars in his budget for a study to build an new fire house to replace the one on Brown and Naylor Streets. I do remember a previous Gillis supporter commenting earlier that Debbie and Terry were do nothings who paid for studies. Sorry, it has always been the mayor and now this one is on Jim Ireton. By the way the old fire house should be turned into an E.M.S. Headquarters for the City of Salisbury.

  68. Anonymous said...
    To 2:03 did you attend the City Council work session when they came? I thought so. Make your comments on facts not envy.
    The Metropoitian donated the article to encourage positivbe action downtown. But I guess 2:01 knows somehing else that can be substantiated, if so please submit

    April 17, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    I can't say this comment is factual, but I can say for a fact that the Metropolitan Offices are on the downtown plaza so they have a vested interest.

  69. Anonymous said...
    4:21 are you aware that many of Perdue's employees esp in the processing plant receive government entitlements? They can't afford to buy homes either which equates to property value declines. They bascially engage in what is known as corporate welfare which ends up sucking an area dry. Then they throw money so they can see their names on buildings and everyone will think how great they are but wouldn't it be better if they used that money toward wages which would boost the local ecomomy and benefit the community as a whole?

    April 17, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    I hate to agree, but there is a lot of truth in this comment.


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