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Friday, April 12, 2013

Tiger Trot 2 Mile Run/Walk Scheduled For May 4 At Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park

(Salisbury, MD) Join the Salisbury Advisory Council on Youth Activities (SACYA) for the Tiger Trot 2 Mile Run/Walk, Yard Sale and May Day Celebration on Saturday, May 4 at Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park. Proceeds from the event will benefit youth scholarships to the Salvation Army.

2 Mile Run/Walk

· Date: Saturday, May 4
Time: 9:00am
Location: Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park, Jersey Road, Salisbury
Registration: Register in advance at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center (500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804; M-F, 8:00am-6:00pm) or register the day of the event between 8:00-8:45am.
Fee: Adults $10 / Children Under 18 $5 (Make checks payable to SACYA.)
Awards: Overall Male & Female, Top Finishers in 10 Age Groups

Yard Sale

Prior to the run/walk, a community yard sale will be held at the Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park beginning at 7:30am. Tables are $10.00 each. Contact April Jackson at 410-726-8478 or pooh0914@comcast.net for more information.

May Day Celebration

After the run/walk, stay for the May Day Celebration at Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park from 12:00-5:00pm. The celebration will include DJs, food, May Day dances, basketball, softball and tennis.

1 comment:

  1. ROTFL with that email address, pooh? Really? City council,......poohlease


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