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Friday, April 12, 2013

Contractor Fees Questioned As State Moves To Paper Ballot Voting System

State election officials are planning to spend up to $1.2 million to hire just five contractors working for nine months, a high-dollar figure that has shocked key lawmakers and voter advocacy groups watching as the state transitions from touch-screen voting to paper ballots.

The transition, which is scheduled for the 2016 presidential elections, will move the state from computerized voting without a paper trail to optical scan paper ballots. Under the recommendation of State Election Board Administrator Linda Lamone, the state budgeted $1.2 million for the five positions handling the initial transition.

The elections budget calls for the senior project manager position to receive up to $350,000, the deputy project manager $300,000, two business analysts $210,000 each and a technical writer $170,000. The budget figures are estimates, since the elections board has not yet selected contractors.



  1. AMAZING how we can spend all that money to hire contractors so we vote in politicans that will sham us even more. Judgement day is not far behind.

  2. We should just vote on toilet paper for all it's worth. That way we could just wipe our *sses and flush it down when we're done. Just like the politicians do with us after the elections.

  3. I'm changing careers IMMEDIATELY! I didn't know I could be a champion watchdog over our elections to prevent voter fraud and be paid so well! What's that you say? I have to kiss whose arse? And do what who says? Oh, well, then nevermind...

  4. Wonder how many dead Democrats will vote in the next election?

  5. I remember when HAD these!

    Who knows what it could have told us about this last election.

  6. Anonymous said...
    AMAZING how we can spend all that money to hire contractors so we vote in politicans that will sham us even more. Judgement day is not far behind.

    April 12, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    Judgement day is a future event, not something that has already happened. The correct tense would be, judgement day is not FAR AHEAD. Move back a row. You've been demoted.


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