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Thursday, April 25, 2013


In their neverending quest to grab federal dollars, states are nowcompeting to sign up their citizens for federal food stamps. A piece in Wednesday’s Washington Post details the efforts of states ranging from Florida to Rhode Island to Alabama to sign people up for food stamps, since food stamp cash flows to local businesses via federal allotments. Florida has hired food stamp recruiters to sign people up for food stamp applications. Rhode Island apparently sponsors bingo games for elderly people, with the goal of signing them up for food stamps. Alabama advertises: “Be a patriot. Bring your food stamp money home.” According to the Post, “Three states in the Midwest throw food-stamp parties where new recipients sign up en masse.”

When people protest at being signed up for food stamps, the recruiters in Florida encourage them to get over their shame. The Post reports this exchange between Dillie Nerios, a food stamp recruiter, and an elderly Floridian:

NERIOS: “Sir, can I help?”

MAN: “I don’t want to be another person depending on the government.”

NERIOS: “How about being another person getting the help you deserve?”



  1. We should all go to the welfare office, get our food stamps, cash them in and donate those dollars to the candidates in the next election who actually WANTS to follow the Constitutional principles of our government.

  2. Ha! There aren't any of those kinds of politicians left...some talk the talk, but how did we get to where we are today? Because they SAY what you want to hear, then do what their campaign contributors tell them to do.

  3. Where can i sign up?


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