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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Salisbury/Wicomico Latest Jobs Numbers Report - February 2013

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released the February jobs numbers for Counties and Municipalities.  Wicomico County continues to shed jobs as February recorded the largest monthly loss of workforce jobs for the past year.  The US Bureau of Labor preliminary reporting shows that Wicomico County experienced a reduction of 1,180 jobs when comparing February 2012 to February 2013. Wicomico's labor force size continues to deteriorate even though the population data shows that Wicomico's population increases approximately 1.9% per year - or about 1800 persons.

Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
02-2011 through 02-2013
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy.  Change over prior 
County Period Labor Force Employed Unemployd    Rate %  year 2011 
Wicomico 11-Feb 52506 47333 5173 9.9
Wicomico 11-Mar 53116 48391 4725 8.9
Wicomico 11-Apr 52961 48485 4476 8.5
Wicomico 11-May 53444 48877 4567 8.5
Wicomico 11-Jun 53825 48951 4874 9.1
Wicomico 11-Jul 54139 49273 4866 9
Wicomico 11-Aug 53423 48706 4717 8.8
Wicomico 11-Sep 53821 49172 4649 8.6
Wicomico 11-Oct 53384 48809 4575 8.6
Wicomico 11-Nov 53153 48516 4637 8.7
Wicomico 11-Dec 53213 48619 4594 8.6
Wicomico 12-Jan 51246 46321 4925 9.6
Wicomico 12-Feb 52605 47554 5051 9.6 99
Wicomico 12-Mar 53073 48351 4722 8.9 -43
Wicomico 12-Apr 52786 48389 4397 8.3 -175
Wicomico 12-May 53608 49253 4355 8.1 164
Wicomico 12-Jun 54256 49598 4658 8.6 431
Wicomico 12-Jul 54877 50349 4528 8.3 738
Wicomico 12-Aug 53372 49007 4365 8.2 -51
Wicomico 12-Sep 52893 48773 4120 7.8 -928
Wicomico 12-Oct 52487 48385 4102 7.8 -897
Wicomico 12-Nov 52603 48276 4327 8.2 -550
Wicomico 12-Dec 52709 48085 4624 8.8 -504
Wicomico 13-Jan 51189 46296 4893 9.6 -57
Wicomico 13-Feb 51425 46711 4714 9.2 -1180 p
-2953 less 
p = preliminary. SOURCE:  BLS, LAUS workforce
Posted by Beezer - SBYnews Contributor


  1. Summer of 2011 - when Perdue had their big IT and Finance layoffs may not have impacted the numbers - but the lost income hurt the community...as well as the trickle-down economy.

  2. The economy is definately getting worse. I can see it to.

  3. I too believe things are getting worse here, not better. A friend of mine recently applied for a job, 1200 people applied for that one job!

  4. a workforce of only 50K in Wicomico out of several hundred thousand residents? sure are a lot of people sitting around doing nothing!

  5. Response to 9:41 - That is partially the reason why crime is so bad here in Wicomico. There are not any jobs or at least a sufficient amount to support our areas population. Its a no brainer, fix the economy and crime will go down.

  6. 9:48 No i see lots of drug addicts walking around Salisbury after they get there FIX at Go-Getters? @snowhiil/main st.

  7. view the posted video on here today. it's an interview regarding our new "rain tax". then you'll get it...

  8. You can not fix an economy when businesses are taxed to the limit and have to relocate to another State to survive. All State taxes trickle down to local economies. And it will never get any better because liberal Democrats will always vote Democrat. This State is doomed.

  9. You DEMS voted for it you DEAL with it.

  10. Well you can add me to the list. I have recently been forced out after being on the job for 20 years.

  11. I have never seen it so bad - economically speaking - around here. Panhandlers on virtually every street corner in and around Salisbury. We have no industrial base left in this county anymore. And every time I go into Wall-mart I nearly always find myself behind someone using an independence card. It is a pitiful condition.

  12. These employment numbers are terrible. In fact, Feb was the worse month to date. How can people pay more taxes when the base is eroding faster than job generation. People had better wake up and fast. This is unsustainable for any economy.

  13. The local economy has gotton worse not better. There are also a lot of vacant and abandoned houses around around here. I have noticed it to.

  14. If you believe the media and state government, things are getting better! So much better in fact, that they want to increase taxes and fees! Board of ED even called my house with a voice recording asking me to attend a voters meeting in support of increasing the county and BOE's budget to increase taxes! I guess we will all be homeless if they get get their way!

  15. Things are so bad, that my Brother lost his job at superfresh after over 25 years, and then they became fresh and green. He took a big pay cut and then was permanently laid off. At 53 his job prospects are not good. He has been looking everywhere and cannot find a job. Soon he will be forced out of his apartment and I will have to take him in so he won't become a part of the homeless problem! I also lost my job after 25 years with a manufacturing company and was lucky enough to find a job at half the pay I was making. From 20 dollars an hour to just 12 per hour. Had to sell off things to pay off debt and downsized my lifestyle. Even had to cash in part of my 401k just to pay the F**king property taxes and Registration Fees!!! Not to mention the F**king landfill fee run by county employees!!!!!!!!
    And they still want to raise taxes! Please tell me when the revolution starts! I want to join it!!!

  16. To 9:08 - DITTO - I could not agree with you more. No matter how much of a raise you give them - it ain't enough. Remember,it's all about the kids.

  17. There are hordes and hordes of abandoned or foreclosed houses in and around Salisbury & Wicomico. Just take a stroll down Mt. Hermon Road and look for yourself. Or how about taking a ride into one of the developments like Sierra Manor, or Kilburnie Estates.


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