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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Posts Of The Week Below

We're doing something new starting this week. The articles you see below this Post are the articles of the week. We will present those articles in which brought forth the largest amount of comments and attention. 

We will provide updated news throughout the day as it comes in. We hope you enjoy this new change. 


  1. Joe look at this the daily times is abandoning its "Grapevine."

    "A farewell to 'Grapevine' and a hello to richer community debate"

    The Grapevine was very popular with its anonymous comments until Barrie Tilghman made them change to Facebook comments only. The Grapevine then became a failure and will continue to fail instead of being a richer community debate. What a joke. Thank God we have blogs like SBYNews.com.

  2. I saw that 5:00. Another nail in their coffin oh well.
    The new Brown Noser, oops I mean "editor" wants people to "own" what they say. "Own?" I hate colloquialisms and they have no place in journalism.
    Everyone can see right through the decison. The DT's is "throwing it's readers 'under the bus'" because it "has the politicians backs." I just had to throw in 2 more colloquialisms.


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