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Monday, April 01, 2013

Private K-12 Schools In Md. Get Little State Aid

The rift between public and private education couldn’t be much larger than it is in Maryland, where the public schools are boasted about as number 1 in the nation and the private schools receive less state funding than several neighboring states.

“Looking at other states when it comes to education, Maryland state government provides significantly less to support private education,” said Mary Ellen Russell, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference.

Russell offered some numbers for context: Pennsylvania puts about $300 million towards private education, New York puts $180 million, New Jersey provides about $150 million. And then there’s Maryland which allocates just $4.4 million state dollars for non-public education. That’s 7/100 of 1% of the $6 billion Maryland supplies to public K-12.



  1. B/C they do not support the GAY Agenda...

    O'Malley belongs to G.L.B.T. community.

  2. Private schools should not be supported by public tax dollars. They are 'private' for people who do not want to send their children to public schools, either for strict religious reasons, or because they don't want their children mixing with the 'public'. That is their right to create their own schools to teach whatever they want, but it should be at their own expense, not at the expense of the public.

    1. 5:56 pm, thank you. The whole reason for sending my kids to private school is to keep them away from the garbage and idiots in public schools. The minute state funding comes into play you can count on riff raff students gaining entry into private schools even if they can't read or write. Then the government tells you what you can and can't do. I prefer they keep their money and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!

  3. And how are you going to pay for all those new schools that will need to be built to hold the students currently in private schools? Private school traditionally operate at a highly improved cost/student ratio, do so with fewer student issues and better test scores.

    Other states provide busing, allow students to participate in extra and co-curricular activities and allow them access to the library and other resources and let them take standardized tests at the school. That's where those "public funds" come from.

  4. So 5:56
    My taxes should pay for your kids that go to public school but not my child that went to private school. Can I get a refund now of all the taxes I have paid since I don't have a child in school at all? Can I get a partial refund of the 10 years that I paid taxes and tuition for private school?

  5. Agreed, let ALL PARENTS be responsible and pay for their child's education. Feed them too.
    The socialist public education system is nothing more than liberal indoctrination.
    The state needs to stop STEALING from me to pay for other people's children.

  6. Private schools don't get state funding, but they also aren't held to the same standard as public school students. Just about all funding is tied to the state tests. These are not given to private school students.


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