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Monday, April 01, 2013

American Who Fought With Al Qaeda Against Syria's Assad Arrested In Virginia

A former Army soldier from Phoenix who joined rebels fighting the Syrian government and boasted to FoxNews.com of his exploits as a Muslim soldier of fortune earlier this month was arrested Wednesday in Virginia and could face life in prison.

Eric Harroun, 30, who left the Army in 2003 on full disability pay after a truck accident, was charged with conspiring to use a rocket-propelled grenade while fighting with the al-Nusrah Front, an organization also known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Harroun, who was in Syria or Turkey when he spoke to FoxNews.com by Skype, was nabbed shortly after flying in to Dulles International Airport after a voluntary interview with FBI agents, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday.


  1. I am sure Obama will get him off and make him a hero for life.

  2. He voted for Obama...what do you expect?

  3. They can track this guy down but not the Virginia arsonist?

  4. Of course he voted for Obama.

  5. Well, if he goes to jail so should Obama and Clinton for their Benghazi gun running operation in support of the terrorists in Syria as well as non-lethal aid to terrorists.


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