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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pollitt Introduces ‘Stable, But Not Recovered’ Wicomico Budget

SALISBURY- Stabilized, but not fully recovered is how Wicomico County Executive Richard Pollitt described the county’s proposed fiscal year 2014, which he informally presented to the County Council this week.

On Tuesday, Pollitt provided an informal presentation of his proposed fiscal year 2014 budget to the County Council and described the current economic climate in Wicomico as having turned a corner from the recent dark days of the recession, but stopped short of celebrating its demise.

“We continue to look forward to recovering from the great recession and there are signs that the worst is behind us,” he said. “Wicomico continues to lag behind, even among counties on the Lower Shore and we’re getting mixed signals about recovery.”



  1. No change to the tax rate?

    Sounds like the big relief has come from additional state revenues, not other forms of revenue or relief.

    Joe, you or your buddy know?

  2. INTERESTING! Now the LIBERALS want to call it "the great recession" but when it was going on it was just a recession. You can't have t both ways. In 20 years will they then be calling it what it actually is, the greatest depression? Welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, unemployment, more people are screwed now than ever before in the history of America. Is Rick Pollitt getting more than a fraction of a percent on HIS savings account????

    Is Rick Pollitts home worth what it was 7 years ago???

    All complete BS and LIES.

  3. I agree with you on this one Joe.

  4. He makes a statement about recovering from the great recession and then says the numbers are not clear and Wicomico is not doing as well as other Eastern Shore counties. Just another bullshit statement from a Democrat.

  5. to my knowledge rick's home was deeded to him. he never had to make a mtg. payment, so i'm sure he doesn't really care. this is another reason he doesn't understand the "regular" taxpayer out here. he's never had the responsibilities we have.

  6. Another 8.1% tax increase and it looks as if O Pollitt wants a new Tahoe to haul his big a%^ around.

  7. 4:23, you have no idea what you are talking about. Rick and his wife bought that home. Any fool can check that on MD land search. Don't be such a moron. Yes, he grew up there, but it went through several owners before he bought it back.

  8. I'm with Joe. With what I have witnessed in the underpayment of State income tax revenues for 2011 and overpayment in state income revnues 2012 - and with the local area workforce numbers worse today that it was 1 year ago - I do not trust the information that is emanating out of the County Executive's office.

    I believe in Ronald Reagan's economic philosphy;

    'Trust but verify'

  9. Its not stable and its definitely not recovering. They are not counting the underemployed or those working 20 hours or less per week, or those that have run out of benefits or have given up looking.

    The new jobs that are available, no longer pay what they used to. I myself was laid off 2009 making over 20 dollars per hour. I am now working but only making 12 dollars an hour which I am grateful for!

    Incomes and standards of living are going down. Time for the county and state to do the same. I don't think must of us can afford any new tax increases.

  10. A stable pile of poo in the toilet bowl. Right befort it gets flushed down, down, down.

  11. 6:18. that fact that you don't understand state income tax distributions is no one's problem but yours

  12. Response to 6:08

    According to the federal governments own stats - (see post below for SBY/Wicomico Feb. Nos.) - Wicomico's employment base is going south. So someone is lying!

  13. Tricky Ricky does it again. He's a complete waste as an Executive. Ronald McDonald or any other clown should be elected to replace him. No one could do any worse. I've heard enough lies from this leader of a sinking ship. He has no clothes. They don't make clown suits in XXXXXL.

  14. Slick Lip Rick on the loose again with the lies, lies and more lies. I ain't mad with him. You guys voted for him. You believed this fork tongue speaking dragon. Now, deal with him.


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