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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Police Sergeant Fired For Trayvon Martin Shooting Targets

Officials with Port Canaveral said a police sergeant has been fired after he brought Trayvon Martin shooting targets to a firearms training session.

Sergeant Ron King was terminated from the police department on Friday, according to officials.

Port officials said King brought two shooting targets which had an images resembling Trayvon Martin on them to a firearms training session on April 4.



  1. No brainer, guy is an idiot.

  2. Why, if liberals do stuff like this its okay. Did reporter get fired for lying about story?

  3. come on 10:52,
    the sheriff was downright stupid.
    it is good he was terminated. would you have done such a stupid thing.

  4. He didnt need to be fired he should have just been suspended.

  5. What about targets of women and children? The boy was a thug.

    1. Wow, so u knew him? Please elaborate on what a thug is, Mr. Whitey...

  6. Inappropriate yes. Enough to terminate him based on his LEOBOR rights no. Florida police officers have some of the strongest unions in the country. He will get his job back and a substantial settlement once the smoke clears. It will end up costing the city, his chief and the police department greatly. Cops can not just be fired, like any other civilian job.

  7. Ahhh-that was pretty tacky--- to put it mildly.

  8. I don't like it... But what about DHS with there woman children old people targets.

  9. He WILL get his job back, just another dept supervisor going overboard.

  10. what did he do wrong?

  11. I think it was great! Shake the mans hand & tell him what a great likeness it was.

  12. Gerald, retired Detroit copApril 15, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    A certain online ammo company has been running out of these targets. My order is on backorder for them. They are a big item on the internet, a lot of people are buying them to shoot at, the kid was a thug, the media made him out to be a saint, Mr. Zimmerman did the right thing, he will be exonerated!

  13. Anonymous said...
    I don't like it... But what about DHS with there woman children old people targets.

    April 15, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    I thought the same thing, even including pregnant women and home owners. Maybe it was tacky, stupid, insensitive, wrong.

    But what about the ones that DHS ordered and are using? Are they no less tacky, stupid, insensitive and wrong?

    If anyone wants to condemn this Sgt., you have to also condemn DHS. They can't have it both ways.

  14. There must have been some twinkle toe cop on the range that day for this to have gotten out. Shame on him or her. No code!

  15. Walk AROUND the hornets nest.For heaven sakes don't kick it.Did'nt this guy have a wise grandfather to instill wisdom.For the record,a father is smart.A grandfather is wise (hopefully).Just having a voice of reason around to discuss things before doing them would help.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Wow, so u knew him? Please elaborate on what a thug is, Mr. Whitey...

    April 21, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    AW! Some liberal moron is dropping the race card.

    To be honest calling someone WHITEY is no difference then calling someone the "N" word!!!!

  17. Has the silhouette of a hoodie been copyrighted/trademarked by the grieving family?
    Not the brightest move, but far from illegal and not grounds for suspension, let alone dismissal.
    Gerald is correct, it's a popular novelty item at the moment.

  18. But the DHA targets with normal citizens are ok right? NObama isn't getting fired is he? I say use one of the boston bombers as the new targets. They are criminals who killed innocent Americans. That should qualify.

  19. Judge and you shall be judge. One day we will all answer to GOD and the things that some of u say..lord have mercy on ur soul.

  20. The guy that did this is Obama's best buddy. Nothing could better promote the division between the Whites and Blacks. Obama's agenda to keep us divided along all possible lines just helps bring about he downfall of America. Justice needs to prevail in the Travon Martin case. Not media hype and liberal propaganda. And not petty race baiting.


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