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Sunday, April 28, 2013

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘You’ll Never Know Where Our Cameras Are’

New York City police officials intend to expand the already extensive use of surveillance cameras throughout town. The plan, unveiled Thursday, comes as part of a drive for increased security around the US following the Boston Marathon attack.



  1. London would be an excellent model.They have millions of surveillance cameras.

  2. Look out they even have a potty cam! Like bloomersburg said!

  3. Ny cant wait to get rid of that fool.

  4. And I'll never spend a penny in your crapy police state.

  5. Probably has them targeted toward 7-11 soda machines.

  6. Bloomberg is at every Bilderberg convention.

  7. Keep cheering, you lemmings. You LET it happen. You voted for them. You fell for the continuing "boogeyman" fright script. YOU gave them this power and thanked them for it. They spit in your face and you thanked them for that, too. Now its a problem????

  8. The far left screamed about the Patriot Act when Bush signed it into law. But they are so accepting of it now that a Democrat is in.

    Of course, the flip could be said of Republicans, too.

  9. You people need to realize we dont run this country. You may want to think you do but you dont. What ever happens , elections, gay agenda, recessions, great depression, gas prices , Obama, are all controlled by an elite few. Stop thinking the democrats or republicans are responsible they are just scapegoats a cover up if you will. Knowledge people.....but you guys r just sheeple, you will believe anything fox nees tells you.


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