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Tuesday, April 09, 2013



  1. Can we send the Entitlement folks first?

  2. No need to send anybody. Send them that for which they beg, annihilation by the nuclear means they threaten to use on us!

    Perhaps Iran would get the message. If not, well, they, too, threaten to destroy the U. S. and Israel. If they want to be turned to glass along with the dumb ass with the comic book haircut in North Korea, So be it; go Harry Truman on them, too.

    We need to teach these bellicose, loud mouth punks that it is not wise to threaten to throw a can vegetables at the Green Giant cause he has more than enough to throw back!!!!

  3. The picture is wrong. The next door should show a trap door on the ground. We really need to step back and use our brains this time. Oh, wait...

  4. 6:43
    The way you talk is how many Americans talk like, and this is the main problem with other countries hating and disliking us and it is the same way you are speaking. The main reasons other countries hate us is because the newer generation and the also the older generation are so pretentious. Americans lack some much that can be improved but they just criticize others(Countries). As we are human(Homo Sapiens)we are imperfect. The only reason we're so different from other apes are because of ability to change and decide, and not just rely on instincts. So this is why you shouldn't talk like that since many of the problems you have faced are cause by pass generations of the citizens of America's choices.

  5. LOL, 7:18. The older generation is "pretentious" (not the best word here) because they literally SAVED THE WORLD. Twice. They worked and bled and sacrificed. Then REBUILT their enemies homeland for them. They can be "pretentious" if they want....the "new" generation? I don't know what they have accomplished or why they act "pretentious". Maybe its because they think they have earned all the things we've given them.

  6. 7:18,
    "The way you talk is how many Americans talk like, and this is the main problem with other countries hating and disliking us and it is the same way you are speaking." (What? Your second use of "like" in the middle of your nonsensical, redundant, run-on sentence & attempt at logic is not the way Homo Sapiens write)! "Americans lack 'some' much that can be improved but they just criticize others(Countries)." (What)? "this is why you shouldn't talk like that since many of the problems you have faced are 'cause' by 'pass' generations of the citizens of America's choices." (Again, WHAT)? Please, sir or madam, get some Homo Sapiens, preferably with more than first grade writing and reasoning skills, to help you with your writing.
    Now, in response to what I think you were trying trying to say:
    People like you are the reason people like Kim Jong-Un feel safe in threatening to kill us and our children! If you are ashamed of the choice Harry Truman made, that speaks volumes about your reasoning ability. But you are right; we shouldn't just rely on instincts. Let's use our intellect. If someone threatens to use nuclear weapons against us and our children, the reasonable thing to do would be to take them at their word and and annihilate them before they have a chance to fulfill their threats!
    Thank you, President Truman, for putting American lives ahead of those who would have killed tens of thousands of American soldiers had you not made the righteous decision! President Obama, will you do the same?

  7. By your logic 949, shouldn't NK citizens feel the same about destroying the US since the actions you are advocating here also threaten to kill them and their children?

  8. Our leaders aren't saying we are going to use nuclear weapons to attack; KIM JONG-UN IS! And his actions are lending credence to his words. As a private citizen and really a nobody, my words carry no weight or danger. They merely convey my opinion. When the LEADERS of North Korea and Iran say the are going to attack and wipe their enemies from the face of the Earth, their words and actions are in a whole different category. My opinion is that a Harry Truman response to aggression would be preferable to losing hundreds of thousands of American Soldier's lives. If our enemies don't attack and stop threatening to do so, I'm not advocating war over political and ideological difference. I'm simply advocating responding to aggression and violence with superior, crushing force.


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