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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liberals Go Crazy For The Mentally Ill

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats’ gun proposals. (Let’s start with Meghan McCain!)

In a bizarre version of “A Christmas Carol,” CNN’s Carol Costello fantasized about “a mother who lost her child,” showing up and knocking on Sen. Rand Paul’s door, saying, “Please don’t do this!”
The victims of gun violence are the left’s latest “human shields” — a term coined by me in Godless: The Church of Liberalism
– for their idiotic ideas. At least it’s not the godawful Jersey Girls this time.

The one clear thread that unites all the mass murders currently being exploited by the Democrats is that they were committed by visibly crazy people who were unaccountably not institutionalized. But Democrats refuse to do anything about crazy people. Apparently, the views of families with relatives murdered by severely disturbed individuals are no longer relevant when it comes to institutionalizing the mentally ill.



  1. If the liberals went after the mentally ill it would be like eating there young.

  2. liberalism = mental illness

  3. One of the ways they are going to grab guns is to declare the mentally ill unfit to own a fire arm. That's how liberals work. The start with a premise that it is near impossible to argue against. Who wants to stand up and be the jerk who says, "well, the mentally ill should have guns or who decides who is the mentally ill?" But that's exactly it. THEY will decide who the mentally ill are. It will start with people we ALL agree shouldn't have guns, like the truly disturbed...then, little by little, it will work it's way downward. What is you took antidepressants ten years ago? No guns for you. What is you believe in angels? Some psychologists are already calling a belief in the supernatural a marker for mental illness.....you see where I am going with this. THEY will decide who is unfit and brother, YOU are already on their list.

  4. Every mass murderer so far has been a Democrat. I think they would really help our country if they just shot themselves. If Democrats were eliminated we might be able to get our country back like it used to be.

  5. Whoever wrote these comments is mental.

  6. Takes one to know one. Was
    What ails you 2:46?


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