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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Secretary of State John Kerry told CNN Monday that foreign students are increasingly “scared” of studying abroad in the United States because of gun violence.

America’s top diplomat has been in Asia to confront North Korea’s increasing aggression but, speaking from Tokyo, he pivoted to American politics.

In “quiet conversations” with officials, Kerry said he has discussed “how safe it is over here in this country [Japan], where people are not running around with guns.”



  1. It's so funny all these people with armed security are so quick to tell us to disarm ourselves. The fear mongering continues.

  2. Total B.S. but if it's true good. We don't want them here anyway!

  3. his lips are moving so he is ???

  4. Tell them to stay home! We don't want them anyway.

  5. Millions of us law-abiding sportsman are not, "running around with guns!" It's amazing how the language is being used against us. People are no longer shot, they are, "gunned down!" Pretty negative I'd say. Are we automobiled down, poisoned down, knifed down, golf clubbed down, etc.???

  6. lying pos. he also ran swiftboats in Viet Nam.
    What would he know about it anyhow.
    (he can pair up with hanoi jane)

  7. Better brush up on your gun ownership vs. violent crime statistics, Johnny boy!

  8. People aren't running around here with guns either.

  9. Who cares about foreign students. This is America and I am tired of catering to them. I am tired of them taking spots in Med School when we should have Americans in those spots. I am tired of those foreigners coming to our country anyway. Does Fort Hood and 9/11 ring a bell? Now the Boston Marathon?

  10. John Kerry, I think that was a poor example to use for your gun control. We have our guns for government like you and those foreigners. Get a grip America and get rid of the Obama's, O'Malley's, the Kerry's and the Iretons.

  11. This is such bs.

  12. BS....those that are...good riddens....this from the same guy that lied about his service in Vietnam.

  13. Limousine liberal. Bet he and his family have plenty of guns.

  14. The court jester.

  15. This is nothing more than Obama regime propaganda based in fear and division.
    It is simply a lie!!

    Tell it to the 15 million illegals in this country!
    Tell it to the 100,000 foreign STUDENTS that come here to work every summer!
    Tell it to the 250,000 foreign nationals studying in our leftist liberal Universities!
    He is a LIAR for political misinformation!

  16. He's been drinking to much of that Heinz tomato juice. Next thing you know he'll have Hanoi Jane up there telling us how great the VC are.

  17. F him and them. Don't like it? Don't come here! (Please keep Kerry there for Americas sake)

  18. tell frankenstein looking fool to shut up! He doesn't have a clue. He and hillary are dumb and dumber

  19. Just another way for the Liberals/Democrats to get their convoluted way. Its interesting what happened yesterday in Boston did not involve guns.....so what are they going to blame it on? Guns are not the problem - people are! Notice Obama never mentioned the word "terrorists' in his empty speech? He is a big part of our country falling apart and just think, we only have another 3 1/2 years left of him to do more destruction.

  20. Somehow I doubt it.

  21. Obama tells him what to say, and the liberal Democrats love this guy. Democrats understand when someone makes a stupid statement because they agree.

  22. 99% of the victims of "gun violence" are so because of their own lifestyles. If these so called "victims" would not get involved in high risk lifestyles such as gangs, drugs, crime they wouldn't be victims. Kerry and the dem politics contribute immensly to the violence due to their polically correct attitude which silences people from telling it like it is to these thugs and their trashy families.

  23. How many students do you think this liar actually talked with? answer zero? The Politicians know and understand that most of its voting base is uninformed and will swallow any lie offered as evidence.

  24. Ron, you are absolutely correct.

    Hope retirement is treating you well.

  25. i love studying broads! tell me when and where and what her name is!

  26. As usual Kerry's full of crap. Gun control advocates can pretend all they want that guns aren't on the streets in Japan but the fact is gun smuggling is quite prevalent. The reason crime is fairly low is because justice is severe including the death penalty. In Japan they use the low crime rate as a way to justify the harsh and cruel prison conditions.

  27. 3:14 Sounds like a DHS big sis dream.

  28. Try this:
    Go to the door.
    Open it.
    Look up and down the street.
    Count the number of people that are waving pistols.
    Or, rifles.
    Close the door.
    Come sit back down and type in the number you saw on this comment form.
    Thank You.

  29. Bottom line the only reason Liar Kerry even got appointed was because the Republicans wouldn't confirm anyone else.
    They wanted his MA senate seat vacated because there is a good chance Scott Brown could get reelected gaining them one more seat in the senate.

  30. Kerry actually talked to students? His Secret Service detail wouldn't let foreign citizens get within 20 feet of him. If he talked to anyone other than high ranking government officials, the questions were shouted to him. Kerry doesn't mix well with the "common folk". You know, the people who can tell the difference between rain and urine.

  31. If you want to be in a country that has no guns, MOVE to one. This country has guns, always had guns and will always have guns. The guns haven't changed. They still go bang and throw out a piece of lead at the dangerous end.

    The mentality of the people is what has changed. You can load a gun and lay it on a table or whatever, and it won't shoot a single person all day. Take that same loaded gun and put it into the hands of a person and all bets are off.


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