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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Before any information was available that might indicate who is responsible for the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce cautioned readers against “jumping to conclusions” and blaming the attack on “foreign terrorism.”

However, he was compelled to remind people that Monday is the “official Patriots Day holiday” in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord. He also pointed out that April 19, the actual date of the battles, is connected to Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh, who apparently considered himself a “waterer of the tree of liberty and the like,” according to Pierce.

“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit,” commenter Linda Ginsburg wrote.



  1. If them people in Boston had been at home where they were safe none of that stuff up there would have happened.

  2. Americans should look at the big picture here.
    This Government has seen fit to destroy our freedoms, with the Patriot Act, NDAA, and a plethora of other infringements to our constitutional rights in the name of PREVENTING terrorism.
    CLEARLY the strategy of invading our privacy at every opportunity does not work.
    We [citizens]should be LIVID this has happened at all after giving up freedoms to TSA, DHS, FBI and whoever else wants to invade your privacy while the Obama State department and immigration have allowed any foreign national into the country that wants to come legally or illegally and won't go get them even though they KNOW they are illegal foreign nationals!! Free travel even with SAUDI'S! The Mecca of radical Islam! All while we are DRONE bombing the crap out of their relatives, countrymen and Islamic brotherhood types at home in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen...
    It could be internal also, lord knows the Socialists have imposed the worst destruction of freedom and liberty through oppressive taxes, fees, fines, regulations, nazi style gun control that statistics prove do not stop crime...
    The ignorance of this Government and current regime both domestically and internationally is astounding... and more American citizens die.

  3. the "more scarey" is the ignorance of the american people. the "livs"; the low information voters; the government school grads, etc. yes; that's the problem.

  4. So 11:01 people are just supposed to stay home all the time? Never leave their house for any event? Is that your point?

  5. Now we have to make running and backpacks illegal.

  6. Bush's fault. WHAT isn't?

  7. We need to become isolationist for a time. No shi* in, none out. You may not fly into here unless you live here, then, stay home (in this country)
    Close the borders & deny entry to anyone not a citizen. No more foreign aid, military or domestic. See how the rest of the world does. Trust me they'll be fine & we might be a little more safe.

  8. It has to be some "right wing nut job." Al qaeda's been "decimated", afterall obama said so.
    Now of course if muslin terrorists are found to be responsible we will never find out just like Bengazi's fallen through the cracks.

  9. point is TSA has bought millions of rounds of ammunition and i am no safer than before, but they want to limit my capabilities of defending myself and my family.

  10. Starts at the top.


  11. @ 11:01 pm: You sound like the guy who did it!

  12. Sometimes I wonder if Darwin's theory works in reverse as well...

  13. I realize there's a lot of misinformation out there...amazing how much makes it onto the internet.

    I feel like I'm suffering from information overload. The bad part is: I've gotten so jaded I probably will not trust a good portion of the "official" version.

  14. Was William Ayers and Bernadine Dorn and the rest of the Weather Underground right wing nut jobs? No they were and are to this day left wing Democrats - Ginsburg is nothing more then an unintelligent uneducated left wing Socialist

  15. If only Mayberry were a real place where our children and grandchildren could grow-up in. Our prayers are with you.

  16. The main suspect is a Saudi national. Sound familiar? Of course the left wing commie network news (CNN) and their MSM will blame the right no matter what. I don't care what they and the rest of the MSM think. I always go to the internet and non-MSM news services for the actual facts. Anyone trusting the mindless drivel coming from the left wing media is going to have a warped view of reality.

  17. Obama's association with Ayers, Dorn and Wright (God damm America spewer) should have been enough for any decent person to not support Obama.
    I am so glad he is referred to as the 1st African American president as opposed to biracial because they can have him. I want no parts. And they wonder why black are killing blacks in record numbers, poverty and other crime rampant in their neighborhoods.
    When you support garbage you get garbage.
    When it comes to a decent man like Dr Ben Carson the blacks call him names but one who hangs around terrorists is a hero to them.

  18. WELL said 12:00. Of course you know that now you have labeled yourself as a racist right wing fanatic, probably a Tea Party member. The truth is a dangerous thing these days.

  19. It's hypocritical for liberals to be upset by this bombing. Obama's protege Bill Ayers actively participated in the same type of bombings. Ayers and his wife even hosted a 'meet and greet' in their home for Obama.
    The Obama supporters and voters need to stop feigning horror over this because by their vote and support they condone this action.
    There is no gray area.

  20. Ok, so how many times have we seen comments on this blog alone talking about armed revolution? But then you're surprised when fingers get pointed your way in these situations? LOL

  21. 5:41 PM

    And that's all it is, talk.

  22. Alex said...
    Sometimes I wonder if Darwin's theory works in reverse as well...

    April 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM

    We all think that when we read your rants.

  23. They have no suspects and have stated same. Persons of interest are not suspects. They are people who the police want to ask questions. Try to curtail spreading the false and the misinformation out there. It just confuses people.


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