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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Condo Owners Irked Over Proposed Paid Parking Plan

OCEAN CITY – It’s deja vu for condominium owners on 146th Street as a paid parking battle they thought was won a few years ago has resurfaced.

Last Friday the Mayor and City Council voted to implement paid parking in several new areas around town, including the ocean block of 146th Street. After reading about the decision through this publication’s electronic news service, Ocean Place Condominium Association President of Board of Directors Ron Deacon reached out to The Dispatch and the Mayor and City Council to express his dismay.

“We are one of only a few streets that will have paid parking. I have never understood why a city government decides to implement a policy that significantly affects some of its taxpayers yet does not feel the need to let them know ahead of time or give them an opportunity to express their view. But apparently that does happen in Ocean City. Thank goodness other jurisdictions treat their taxpayers somewhat better,” Deacon wrote in a letter to the council. “We again oppose this action for several reasons. We will attend a council meeting and will do everything we can to reverse this decision. We believe that before this decision was made that input from nearby residents would have been very helpful. I would hope that the desire for revenue would not encourage the city government to ignore the wellbeing of a small group of its citizens.”



  1. What? Deacon thought he had some pull with the City Council? They don't give a crap about what he thinks or wants. They need money. The days of citizens having a say (please don't mention "elections" -- they don't seem to change anything at all) are over, done, and finished. Its a money grab for every dollar they can see and anticipate. From the president on down to the local mayors. My god, wait til the endless summer "campaigns" against the citizens kick in....

  2. Jihad on parking meters.

    Soak the terrorist tourists all you want, but leave the residents alone. They do vote, (for what it's worth),your dumbarse's into office, and OUT.

    There must be an I.Q. cap to be a politician or cop. I know teenagers that are smarter.


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