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Monday, April 01, 2013

A Letter To The Editor


Chicago politics are trying to get you to elect another puppet, Jake Day. The National Association of Realtors Fund, 430 Michigan Ave., Chicago, ILL has sent out post cards to virtually every voter in the City of Salisbury supporting Jake Day. Debbie Campbell is the only Council Member that fought to keep THE LORD's PRAYER in the Council Chambers to be recited at the start of each meeting. She stopped Salisbury businesses & residents from having tax increases, she got the police department fully funded, & she has spent the last eight years restoring the financial well being of the City. Concerned citizens, I can't vote in this City election but I pray that you will not fall for the factions that are painting a glittering facade that will steal your money & freedom. The publicized political fights are a benefit to the public because it is a battle to stop the special interests. Debbie Campbell FIGHTS FOR YOU & you need her for your protection & the GREAT CITY OF SALISBURY. Joe Albero has guts enough to fight to SAVE SALISBURY from the special interest groups that disregard the overall well being of the CITY. Money that is used for feel-good, eye-pleasing, & destruction behind the scenes. It steals from the people that work & pay taxes to benefit people that don't contribute to the community --- paying their way or volunteering their time.


  1. Jake Day = outside interest. This election can be the turning point for better times but its up to you Salisbury. You need to get out and VOTE Joe & Debbie eastern shore's only chance for good jobs, and better living.

  2. Palmer Gillis was willing to pay $10,000 so that he could be featured on the cover of the Metropolitan magazine; he then took the opportunity to deliver his personal political views and make misrepresentations about what actually occurred with the old firehouse deal that fell through.

  3. Last day before the voters decide which direction the city will go.

    Wake-up out there, use your brains. There have been plenty of news items regarding who has done what - good and bad. There have also been plenty of candidate-bashing items. The actual accomplishments are more important than the bashing as they point to potential future successes.

    Read 'em all - wherever they are and whoever they are written by...put them all together and think about what is best for our community!

  4. Jake Day is just another local special interest whore, for sale to any and everybody who can pad his resume. Don't be fooled.

  5. This is exactly right. All these wanna be developers had every opportunity to buy any and all properties downtown when they go for sale and make something out of them.
    But instead they are sitting around slobering and waiting for someone such as Ireton and Co. to "sell" them city owned properties for pennies on the dollar.
    This isn't developement and revitalization, it's stealing from the residents and tax payers.

  6. The choice is simple, the only way Salisbury will survive is a vote for Albero and Campbell.
    Ms. Campbell has a proven track record of positive results that have saved the citizens so many times. She has kept us from paying higher taxes which in this economy is a blessing for all of us.

    Day has proven he is not interested in the city or its' people. He is riding on the coattails of
    special interest groups buying his election for him without him doing any work for it. All the mailings and the current fundraising from his cohorts prove this point. He has no experience. He has proven he is untrustworthy and above the law, and he has proven he likes to lie to people. This is not the kind of candidate the city needs. Don't let special interests take over Salisbury.

    Mr. Albero has the drive and the desire to bring Salisbury back to life. The city needs his business background. It doesn't need the childish antics of Ireton anymore.

  7. Debbie Campbell's video really says it best:



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