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Monday, April 01, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post From Fernando Guerrero

I have known Joe for a long time and Joe has been a man to speak his mind for what he believes is right or wrong. I think Joe would be a great mayor of Salisbury. His integrity and ambition will be a great asset to the city of Salisbury. Joe not only has the most love and the best interest of Salisbury, he truly knows Salisbury from left to right. He takes the time to be involved with the youth and in our community. 

I'm Fernando Guerrero and I say that Joe Albero would be a great person to have as mayor of Salisbury.


  1. It says something about Ireton as Mayor that he never really rallied to help or market Main Street gym or Fernando. It says he's an idiot.

  2. Excellent, pretty sad that our own mayor cant even get the support from the local kids in town.

  3. I think this is nice Joe. You are going to be a great Mayor.

  4. Anonymous said...
    It says something about Ireton as Mayor that he never really rallied to help or market Main Street gym or Fernando. It says he's an idiot.

    March 31, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    That's because of two things. Jim Ireton is not business friendly unless you are a slumlord.

    Second of all Jim Ireton is a racists. I have been in drinking establishments with him and seen his true colors. Most Democrats are racist and use minorities for their votes.

  5. The mayor should be ashamed, I always thought the mayor was for All the people.

  6. Mayors are supposed to be for All the People - but Ireton has shown his true colors from the get go - they are kinda like a rainbow!


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