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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

37 O’Malley Tax Increases Cost Us $3.1 Billion More Each Year

Annapolis – Change Maryland released today an updated list of tax, fee and toll increases under the O’Malley Administration. This latest report details 37 increases that remove an additional $3.1 billion more out of the pockets of Marylander’s every year.

Final passage in the legislature of transportation taxes and offshore wind fee increases will add another $800 million in additional annual tax burdens borne by Marylander’s. The previous Change Maryland list released one week ago quantified an annual impact of $2.3 billion on 32 levies.

The so-called “Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act” is actually four different revenue measures rolled into one bill – sales taxes on fuel, indexing the previously flat excise tax to inflation and increased mass-transit and vehicle registration fees. Bringing the total to 37, the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act enables the collection of fees from electricity ratepayers needed to support the concept.



  1. VSP have two suspects in custody regarding arson fires. They stopped a lite blue mini van leaving a recently started fire.

  2. Maybe one day these people will come up with some new ways of generating revenue other than tax,tax, and more tax.

  3. 4:20 How about SPENDING less?

  4. It's easy. Stop over spending.

  5. considering what omalley did to baltimore i don't know how he got voted governor the first time, let alone the second

  6. cut welfare and make people WORK!

  7. I LOVE shopping in DELAWARE.

  8. House on market moving to va

  9. These officals are extremely stupid..cut spending first and foremost...then stop passing bad tax law.which only shoots the state in the foot forcing massive runs for the exits for bussiness and guys like me who have lived in better states and will be leaving..ASAP...i akready buy my cigs fuel n booze in va...during my comute to wallops..fed up and leaving MD..biggest mistake of my life

  10. O'Malley has already changed Maryland - for the worse. And he doesn't care in the least about what he is doing to us.

    Democrats cannot get their hands on enough of your money, yet they keep getting elected to office.

    It's like the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Vote the traitors in and they take our hard earned money from us. Sic semper tyrannis!


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