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Thursday, March 21, 2013

With ALL Due Respect Salisbury Chamber Of Commerce...

Salisbury City Council demonstrates it's "business friendly"...or is it ?

City Council is also proposing a so-called "lockout ordinance." This proposal would give the city's police chief the authority to respond to repeated crime reports by shutting them down for up to a year. The chamber supports the great job Chief Barbara Duncan has done thus far for the City of Salisbury. However, to empower one individual with the right to close businesses affecting the city tax base, employment, and livelihoods is very disturbing to say the least. As few as two separate reports within a two year period could trigger a hearing to determine whether the property should be closed down by Chief Duncan. The Chamber respectively requests that the City Council "step back and reassess this proposal" in greater detail before enacting. Our position is that this proposed ordinance would present an anti-business smear on the city that would take even more years to erase.

Publishers Notes: To Whom It May Concern,

I find it very alarming that this message went out to all Chamber Members based on a massive inaccuracy. 

It should be made very clear to ALL Chamber Members, the business community and residents that the "City Council" had NOTHING to do with this Ordinance. 

The Ordinance was created by none other than Mayor Jim Ireton. Mayor Ireton presented it as something Chief Duncan authored but I have spoken directly with the Chief and she has assured me she had NOTHING to do with it. 

To imply that this has anything to do with the City Council is just flat out WRONG. ALL proposals delivered by the MAYOR are to be CONSIDERED by the Council. 

I have made it VERY clear, once elected, should this Ordinance come across my desk as it is written I will VETO it immediately as it is extremely business unfriendly and I'll not tolerate any such language. We have laws on the books right now that can combat any such mentioned problems. To expand upon what is already there, (to me) is something I will not tolerate.

The City Council is NOT "proposing" anything. Mayor Ireton has proven he is out of CONTROL. Nevertheless, the Chamber needs to correct the language above and put the emphasis on Mayor Jim Ireton instead. 
You can see Mayor Ireton discuss this issue at around 48 minutes into this video.


  1. I knew that "Alarm Engineering" email came from the Chamber of Commerce and I am extremely disgusted with the Chamber and it's leadership.

    To it's irony most false alarms generated are the fault of the alarm company and it's system. The business is the ones who have to suffer because they will be getting the fines. Mr. Boltz, owner of Alarm Engineering is wise sending this out because he knows eventually someone will wake up and realize the real problem lies with the alarm company and in reality the alarm company should be the ones paying the fines.

  2. So will the police chief be shutting down the slumlord rentals known as the Zoo? Had such big problems there last year the video of the activity by students throwing bottles at the police went viril on UTube. Needed the whole police force there with the help of the county to get that crowd under control.

  3. Council didn't let this legislation slip by. They sent it back to the mayor.

  4. Liarton at it again ... Unreal lay the blame where it belongs JIMBO your ROTTEN Feet.

  5. Then i hope he shuts down HALF the slum houses on the "WEST SIDE" I don't think so that's his "PEEPS'.

  6. Joe..... Didn't Jim the Mayor open a website under YOUR Name???

  7. Watching this video, especially the Ireton part, it shows how arrogant and combative Ireton becomes when someone disagrees with him. He gets all worked-up and lets us see how immature he really is. It's how dare you question what I'm doing. We really need someone who can lead our city back to prosperity and sensability and stop all this nonsense.

  8. MAYOR HAS 11 Days LEFTMarch 21, 2013 at 11:22 AM

    Hey Mayor,Maybe you can hand out Obama cell phones for a VOTE, LOL.

  9. Jim stated he has spoken to Laura and she agreed to put it back on the table..he already signed it.

  10. I am disappointed with the chamber's leadership. I thought Colburn was a stand-up guy. Looks like that isn't the case.

  11. This town better wake up, This spoiled brat of a mayor has to GOOOO.

  12. Ireton seems to be of the same mindset as our MD legislature. Businesses leaving MD are of no consequence for we'll just raise taxes on who ever is left.

  13. The rental units you speak of are not 60%. Where did you get that figure? It's more like 90 to 95%. Don't forget to include all the condo's townhouses and apartments which is flooding the city. My guess is someone is counting an apartment complex as 1 rental unit.

  14. Speaking of Slumlords I rode by the ERA Martin and Associates real estate building on near East Main Street and saw at least 3 Jake Day signs planted out front. Yes Bill Martin owns a lot of run down rental properties and he is a slum lord. This is more proof that Jake Day is financed and supported by out of town Slum Lords.

    Memo to Jake Day: Slum Lords don't vote so try to get home owners and voters to support you and put signs in their yards. Don't deceive people into thinking you are popular.

  15. During this interview Jim Ireton is looking down at his notes and repeating the same lies over and over. He is totally clueless and lost. Reminds me of someone else who needs a teleprompter!

    Now he is attacking "Mrs. Campbell."

  16. Now he is pushing hard for Jake Day and attacking Debbie Council saying we are going to change the council majority and move forward. Only a fool would vote for Jim Ireton. Instead of campaigning against Debbie Campbell he should be campaigning for himself and campaign on the positive things he has done. OH WAIT!! There are none!

  17. But he is popular. With the Md court system. I wonder how many other states court systems he is popular with.

  18. What happened to the Slum Lord of the Week photo's that Jim Ireton used to post on the city website? I guess he is in bed with the Slum Lords these days. He lied while campaigning 4 years ago and he is lying to us again.

    Vote Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell on April 2, 2013.

  19. Jim Ireton just admitted on this interview that he reads this blog daily. He is speaking highly of SAPOA and bragging that the rental industry is a $56 million dollar a year business in the city. That is nothing to brag about Jim Ireton. How does the rental industry bring many and good paying jobs to this city.

  20. 12:45. I don't think Day is trying to decieve people into thinking he's popular. Hi did win by a very large margin. He seems to be very popular.

  21. Is someone else in that meeting with Jim Ireton? He keeps looking away like someone is there to support him??

  22. Interesting Ireton mentions Run Away Bay apartments behind the mall. Proves he is buddies with the fat blogger these days. I hope he isn't friends with the property manager.

  23. Who does Ireton keep looking at during that interview? Who is holding his hand? I noticed how he keeps looking at his notes and Candidate Albero spoke without notes.


  25. Anonymous said...
    12:45. I don't think Day is trying to decieve people into thinking he's popular. Hi did win by a very large margin. He seems to be very popular.

    March 21, 2013 at 1:05 PM

    I wouldn't bank on that little bit of confidence. The voter turnout was very low and the general election is where you will see the votes.

  26. Jim Ireton quote: "All I can tell people is you have a vote coming up in a couple of weeks. I would appreciate your vote, but I am going to tell you the more important vote is sitting right in that city council race."

    That is an outright attack on Debbie Campbell and proves he doesn't want to be mayor. He has an agenda and it is a hateful agenda that many spoke with hatred and he is dangerous. I am beginning to think Jim Ireton was behind the damages done to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen's houses. This guy is a terrorist and I can hear it in his voice and see it in his actions. The best thing the voters of Salisbury can do is vote Jim Ireton out of office and vote Debbie Campbell back in.

    The citizens of Salisbury have to Vote Joe Albero for mayor and re-elect Debbie Campbell to the city council.

    Jim Beau Must Go!

  27. albero sounded very uneducated. Always has to brag on himself.

  28. It's obvious that Jim Ireton is not very business friendly. Now he is putting on his glasses and reading an attack on D.W. Burt. So he went from cleaning up the city housing stock owned by the slum lords to jumping in bed with them. Now he is pro slumlord and anti-business friendly. Unless it is the rental industry.

    How soon that psychotic idiot forgets how the slum lords made up slanderous flyers against Jim Ireton and coerced their tenants to vote for Gary Comegys. Ireton is a maniac and has to go. Please vote for Joe Albero.

  29. 1:41 PM I have to agree with you. It's always my, my, mine with Jim Ireton. It's all about him.

  30. Ireton appeared very arrogant to the host Don Russ and said I am not going to play the game with you. Is that the voice of a tyrant!

  31. 1:41,

    1:48 here. I read your comment to quickly and misread the "albero" part about sounding uneducated. The one bragging about himself was Jim Ireton and the uneducated part I see is your poor grammar.

    Now go back to sleep Cookie!

  32. Nothing but lib's at the camber they endorse every tax increase that Jim or Rick Pollitt comes up with.

  33. My people, my department heads, my employees, my officers....

    No Jim Ireton they are not YOURS they are OURS. Get that egotistical, socialist mentality out of here. You are one sick individual.

  34. "Gully, over there by Giant, you know how often I had to come down on them time after time."

    That is the quote of a dictator. Jim Ireton it is not your job to "come down" on businesses. That is was the departments and employees do, it's called their job.

  35. I do believe Day will win by a large amount of Votes. I also believe Albero/Ireton will be an extremely close election that will come down to a few votes. If I was Joe I would be more confident at this point. Joe has momentum. If he loses it is because most of the comments on here is just talk and no one really cares. It would seem Joe has an easy victory based on the amount of people that say they will vote for him face to face and on this site. I can't vote in the city but Salisbury elections impact everyone in the area. Who doesn't go to Salisbury for something?

  36. The Cup Cake shop. LOL. that's going to last long. Big demand for cup cakes.

    By the way 3rd Friday is a FLOP!!

  37. Joe will you have open door policy?

  38. 2:21 why do you think Day will beat Campbell? Just because of the primary?

  39. Just had a bank robbery at PNC Bank and Jim Ireton is trying to lead people into believing that crime is down in Salisbury because of HIM.

  40. Joe,
    A open door policy is what the city employees want, I can speak for myself and others that the Mayor may not let us speak in public but he sure as Hell cant keep us from throwing him out of office come April 2, He refuses to listen and ALL he does is banter and put us down, We are looking forward to the Open door policy can you throw in coffee too.

  41. Joe are you going to furlough city employees to balance the budget like Jim Ireton did 2 years in a row? Ironically Jim's employer the board of education didn't furlough him, but he thought it was a good idea to furlough the hard working employees of the city.

  42. anonymous 3:06, are you kidding me? We have a $16,000,000.00 surplus in the budget. It shouldn't have happened in the first place.

    Just get out and vote on April 2nd and watch things turn around instantly.

  43. To those big Jake Day supporters out there do you think he will be able to fulfill his job as a city council member if elected? If you remember reading the Daily Times on Sunday when he commented about his numerous speeding tickets he blamed it on having to drive 65 miles a week to work each day. If that is the case do you think he will be able to take off every single day there is a work session? Do you think his employer will allow him that much time off. Think about it, that is 130 miles a day which means he is on the road over 2 1/2 hours every day. There are a lot of work sessions and budget work sessions coming up very soon. I doubt seriously he will be able to participate in the work sessions. Work, Court, National Guard duties? How can he make that commitment. It is painfully obvious that Jim Ireton picked Jake Day to be his Rubber Stamper at the night meetings if he can make it. Jake Day is a bad choice. You talk about grid lock, it will always be a 2 to 2 vote because Jake day will rarely be at the meetings. Don't be stupid on this one.

  44. Has Jim Ireton ever been nominated as Teacher of the Year for the board of education?

  45. WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE....ask yourself the question, when you have someone like Debbie Campbell sitting on the Council saving you money, and protecting the citizens of Salisbury why in the name of good heaven wouldn't you want to keep a real work horse? There is something wrong here..Any business person will tell you that's the kind of employee they want; someone working for the people, and the boss. Yet Ireton is so jealous of her he can't stand it. She finds things he as the mayor should have found and should have figured out how to do. He wants her gone so he can ram-rod his deals with no one thinking or looking into it for the people's protection. Ireton must go and for all our sakes Debbie Campbell must be voted back to the Council. I know I want someone who is trustworthy and honest working FOR me and not AGAINST me.
    WAKE UP PEOPLE...in the mail today I received an advertisement for Day and guess who paid for it? The National Association of Realtors Fund out of Chicago, IL. Don't you find this strange? The excperience Salisbury needs? Really, now I know for certain Day is in bed with the slum lords, and Ireton to steal valuable property right under your noses in the name of progression....what a bunch of lies, the only thing they want is to line their filthy pockets and calling on all resources outside of this city to do the dirty work. We the tax payers need to wake up and see that these liberals are not for you they are for your pockets and nothing else.

  46. Ireton is also schmoozing with the same slugs that sent out serial e-mails, I got one, that made the claims of Ireton's sexual preference before his election in 2009.

    At that time I already knew Jim was gay and didn't care, I suported him then, still don't care about his sexual preference, I just lost faith in him as a sincere honest person!

    That's all that's changed in my mind. He lacks integrity seriously.

  47. The Chamber is a waste of oxygen.

  48. 3:56 pm is correct about Jake Day being funded by the realtors. ERA Bill Martin and Associates has 3 Jake Day signs on their property facing East Main Street. Bill Martin is a slum lord and is also part of the $56 million dollar rental industry. Jake Day and Jim Ireton need to go.

  49. http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/cityclerk/briefingbook/03-04-13-WS.mp3

    Take time to review the above link before this is further debated

  50. Anonymous said...
    Ireton is also schmoozing with the same slugs that sent out serial e-mails, I got one, that made the claims of Ireton's sexual preference before his election in 2009.

    At that time I already knew Jim was gay and didn't care, I suported him then, still don't care about his sexual preference, I just lost faith in him as a sincere honest person!

    That's all that's changed in my mind. He lacks integrity seriously.

    March 21, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    You are correct and one of those slugs is the acting fire chief he is using to fight Debbie Campbell over.

  51. 3:56's comment is worthy of a post.

  52. 3:56pm, I just got the same flyer and it also says that Jake Day is endorsed by the Coastal Association of Realtors. Another Slum Lord Industry union.

    Oh, by the way, it was loaded with lies.

  53. Taxes to help pay city bills are being collected from these so called "slumlords", who, I might add, many cannot vote in city elections. These "slumlords" would not own the houses if the houses had not been for sale. Many of the sales came to be because of foreclosures or tax sales. How much money would be added to the city bank accounts if there were no "slum lords?

    We moved from the city because of taxes and water and sewer charges. We had purchased two houses in the city, at tax sales, fixed them up and rent them out, along with the house we use to live in. We rent the three homes to college students BECAUSE anyone wishing family housing isn't interested unless we rent it as section 8. We had planned to sell our home in Salisbury, but after a year on the market, there seemed to be no one interested in purchasing a home in Salisbury. Several mentioned they liked the home but it would be cheaper to live outside city limits

    We keep our homes in good repair and heavily screen our tenents, plus have a good relationship them and their parents. This has worked well for us and we now have additional income in our retirement.

    The majority of the landlords in Salisbury are not slumlords. Those landlords are paying taxes - are you?

  54. The majority of the landlords in Salisbury are not slumlords. Those landlords are paying taxes - are you?

    March 22, 2013 at 8:04 AM

    No, you are the only ones.

  55. Yes slumlords do pay taxes. and rightly so. Their tenants use up a huge chunk of city services that the owner occupied city residents also pay. They also receive Government subsidy in the form of Section 8 to finance their investments. The city homeowner does not. All of us would like to suffer the "plight' of the slumlords running Salisbury--multiple homes, huge SUVS, lots of vacations. Cry me a river.


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