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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Will Pot Bill Go Up In Smoke?

The Maryland Senate on Tuesday voted to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. But supporters are far from taking the bill’s passage for granted.

Lawmakers say the bill, which would remove the threat of jail time for people caught with less than 10 grams of marijuana, likely won’t receive a warm welcome at its next stop: the House Judiciary Committee.

The Senate voted 30-16 to pass Senate Bill 297. The measure, introduced by Sen. Bobby Zirkin, D-Baltimore County, would make the possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana a civil offense punishable by a fine of up to $100.


  1. 10 grams equals the weight of ten everyday paperclips. Not very much.

  2. We spend time teaching children to say no to drugs only to have the government make it legal. How stupid is that?

  3. You should be teaching them to stay away from alcohol too...It is a lot more dangerous.

  4. I like the body paint... is there more?

  5. I would think legislators could do something more productive than waste time and money on something as stupid as this bill. It is stupid to have pot period.

  6. Alcohol has killed many more people than marijauna. It is literally impossible to overdose on marijauna, especially from smoking or vaporizing. To my knowledge not one case of even an overdose from eating it has been reported by any hospital in this nation.

    Maryland is full of liberals, even in the house judiciary, in this case I think they are right and should outright legalize it like Colorado and Washington State.

    There are many other states where medical marijauna is legal, however they don't benefit from the tax dollars because medicine is not taxable.

    For once, maybe Maryland can be ahead of the curve that is coming eventually whether you like it or not. Those against this probably have no idea of people they know that actually use it are still in the closet and behind their own closed doors.

    The last three POTUS have admited to smoking it, do we vote only criminals for POTUS? So by the time Obama's second term is up makes 12 years of POTUS's that have smoked it. Are they above the rest of us?

    Heck even our sheriff smoked it when he was younger, that's why he don't need the dogs for interdiction, he can sniff out that stinky bud himself.

  7. DO NOT TELL ME YOU NEVER SMOKE POTMarch 21, 2013 at 5:32 PM

    MAKE POT LEGAL AND TAX THE HECK OUT OF IT...INSTITUTE A JOB MARKET FOR THOSE TO INSTITUTE PENALTIES FOR IMPROPER USE...just like beer...stop wasting our Money on drug crimes like this.

  8. man made alcohol..god mad marijuana! now who do you trust?

  9. Just legalize it - who cares ? You already can buy the paraphenalia to use at any c-store - pipes, rolling papers, etc. It's legal to buy the stuff to ingest it, but u can't have the product ? The insanity of it all !

  10. marijauna Is natural,was put on this earth by GOD.

    alcohol Is man made go figure


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