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Monday, March 11, 2013

U.S Troops Killed by Gunman in Afghan Uniform in Latest Setback

A gunman wearing an Afghan police uniform opened fire at a police training facility in eastern Afghanistan today, killing at least two American troops and three Afghans, officials say.

The shooting took place while the troops were visiting the facility to help train the Afghans, a key part of the U.S. handover strategy before combat troops leave in 2014. According to coalition officials, the shooting also left several wounded.

A joint U.S.-Afghan team is investigating the shooting.



  1. Why are we putting up with these people, get our guys out and let them ALL rot in there caves.

  2. once again, we are putting trust in these M Fers! Let them handle their own.

  3. If you really care about our troops...bring them home!

  4. What? Bring the troops back home where they might be robbed and murdered for their sneakers on a mall parking lot? Unfortunately, they're safer where they are.

  5. The unemployment rate will spike when they return home.Remember the cutbacks.Only the government employers seem to be allowing the soldiers to resume their old jobs once back in the US.Unemployed and homeless vets make this administration look really bad.

  6. This Admin looks really bad all by itself, 407. If we bring them home, they will still be paid soldiers, just with different job scopes, like, oh, I don't know, PROTECTING OUR BORDERS????

  7. We really need a leader who will just level our opposition, then get OUT. Forget all of this rebuild, blah blah blah. Level their country and move along. The Middle East should be a large parking lot by now, instead we spend trillions for them to spit in our face.

  8. Bring our troops HOME!


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