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Monday, March 11, 2013

Obama to Huddle With Organizing for Action Group

President Obama will formally inaugurate Organizing for Action, his newly-formed independent advocacy group, with a headline speech Wednesday night before the group’s Founders’ Summit in Washington.

Obama’s appearance, confirmed to ABC News by an OFA official, will be his first in-person with the group’s core team of advisers, donors and grassroots organizers since its formation following the 2012 election.

It comes as Obama seeks to re-energize his expansive grassroots campaign infrastructure around top second-term priorities — from new gun-control measures to comprehensive immigration reform and a plan to replace sequester — and cement the foundation for his presidential legacy.



  1. Oh-Oh. Another Ob' high-sounding organization plotting the distruction of our FREE economy. Anytime they say "grassroots" or "reform" They are plotting the distruction of our freedoms and expansion of government power.

  2. So true 11:07.
    This is probably the largest Communist think tank in America.
    Meeting in the White House basement.
    Thank you Obama supporters.
    We will be coming after you first!


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