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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UNFIT FOR WORK The Startling Rise Of Disability In America

In the past three decades, the number of Americans who are on disability has skyrocketed. The rise has come even as medical advances have allowed many more people to remain on the job, and new laws have banned workplace discrimination against the disabled. Every month, 14 million people now get a disability check from the government.

The federal government spends more money each year on cash payments for disabled former workers than it spends on food stamps and welfare combined. Yet people relying on disability payments are often overlooked in discussions of the social safety net. People on federal disability do not work. Yet because they are not technically part of the labor force, they are not counted among the unemployed.


  1. With 1 out of 50 births being an autistic child you can expect the disability rates to soar also.

  2. Medical advances over the past several decades have made it possible for folks to live longer with perhaps some quality of life. However, living longer does not necessarily indicate that a person is still physically capable to work. In addition, this is a benefit that folks have been mandated to pay into their entire working life and their disability benefits are calculated on this basis. Also, jobs for the disabled are not plentiful and most jobs have physical requirements that must be met in order to gain employment (i.e. lifting, standing, walking, driving, etc.).

  3. Lazy democrats all they want to do is mooch!!!!

  4. To 1:21, spoken like someone who is trying to justify his welfare payment. Oops, I mean disability payment.

    I bet half the commenters on this website are getting disability and then railing about people using food stamps. The government's disability "insurance" program is just another welfare program. You may have paid taxes at one time or another, but you'll draw far more money from the government than you ever paid.

  5. See: Council Candidate Jackson

  6. People are really showing their ignorance on here. If any of you think it is so easy to get disability, go apply.

    I'm still waiting after two operations and two years.

    And it is NOT welfare or any other kind of 'entitlement'. It is money I and my EMPLOYERS have paid into social security over my lifetime.

    The payments are not that large to begin with, and if I get more back than I paid in, (not even including interest on MY money), I would have to live a very very long time.

    And I don't really want to do that anyway.

    Stop believing the lies the government tell you. They don't want to pay anybody anything. That would reduce their personal slush funds.

    You really need to educate yourselves about this subject. Your opinions are based on lies and hate, not facts.

  7. 4:12 go back and read your first line.

  8. I was just forced out of my job on "disability" and it wasn't my choice.

  9. 4:12 go back and read your first line.

    March 26, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    I did, and it looks like it applies very well to you.

  10. 4:12
    So you think anyone should apply for disability just to see if they can get it? I think the point they are trying to make is if you are NOT disabled you shouldn't be applying.

  11. Exactly 6:22. Only a terrible person would state that truly disabled people shouldn't be helped. The problem is a lot of us know people who get disability for absurd or nonexistent reasons. Meanwhile, others who are truly disabled get rejected. The system is uneven and unfair to many people, including the truly disabled and the people that pay into the fund who are forced to subsidize con artists.

  12. Exactly 6:22. Only a terrible person would state that truly disabled people shouldn't be helped. The problem is a lot of us know people who get disability for absurd or nonexistent reasons. Meanwhile, others who are truly disabled get rejected. The system is uneven and unfair to many people, including the truly disabled and the people that pay into the fund who are forced to subsidize con artists.

    March 26, 2013 at 6:43 PM and 6:22

    I am 4:12.

    In no way did I mean for someone to apply for disability if they were not disabled.

    Maybe it was a poor choice of words on my part.

    I simply meant it was an easy thing to do to get disability. At least not for me.

    Yes, I know there are people out there who game the system. Maybe I took it too personally when someone compared it to welfare.

    It is just so frustrating for me to hear that when I have such a difficult time getting it for myself.

    I hereby apologize for my remarks that were rude and any other negative meaning.

    And thank you both for taking the time to politely explain what your opinions were and how I was looking at things the wrong way.

    I welcome any more comments you or anyone else would like to share in such a pleasant way.

    I promise to try to reply in kind.

    For what it's worth, I'm also in a lot of pain tonight so I might be a little grumpy at times.

    No excuse and my apology is genuine. Thank you.

  13. I simply meant it was an easy thing to do to get disability. At least not for me.

    Dang it. I meant it was NOT an easy thing to do to get disability.

    I'm taking a break. It's killing my leg to sit here, and now I'm making errors. Peace.


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