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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Congress Funds Surveillance Planes In Hagerstown

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski says Congress has approved $43 million to continue production of border-patrol planes in Hagerstown.

The Democratic senator said Monday that the funds were part of a continuing resolution Congress passed last week to keep the federal government running through Sept. 30.

Mikulski says the money will pay for the purchase of two more planes modified by Sierra Nevada Corp. of Sparks, Nev.



  1. border-patrol planes in Hagerstown.
    WTF? And when they get here we give them a drivers license.

  2. 3:06
    They make the planes there. They don't use them there. Although there are some places in Frederick they might soon need to use them.


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