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Friday, March 01, 2013


I liked the old paths, when 
Moms were at home. 
Dads were at work. 
Brothers went into the army. 
And sisters got married BEFORE having children! 

Crime did not pay; 
Hard work did; 
And people knew the difference. 

Moms could cook; 
Dads would work; 
Children would behave. 

Husbands were loving; 
Wives were supportive; 
And children were polite. 

Women wore the jewelry; 
And Men wore the pants. 

Women looked like ladies; 
Men looked like gentlemen; 
And children looked decent. 

People loved the truth, 
And hated a lie.

They came to church to get IN, 
Not to get OUT! 

Hymns sounded Godly; 
Sermons sounded helpful; 
Rejoicing sounded normal; 
And crying sounded sincere. 

Cursing was wicked; 
Drugs were for illness. 

The flag was honored; 
America was beautiful; 
And God was welcome! 

We read the Bible in public; 
Prayed in school; 
And preached from house to house.

To be called an American was worth dying for; 
To be called an American was worth living for; 
To be called a traitor was a shame! 

I still like the old paths the best!


  1. Fantasy Land.

    I remember those day too.

    Fathers would drink and beat moms
    nothing would happen
    Fathers would drink and beat kids
    nothing would happen

    Mothers wanted divorce
    nothing would happen

    Fathers would cheat
    nothing would happen

    Mothers die
    Fathers drank more

    kids would tell what happened
    no one would believe

    kids read the bible for answers
    asked for help from church
    asked for help from government
    nothinh would happen

    Father dies
    kids are joyfull and jailed
    At least something happened

  2. 3:30, thanks for providing some perspective.

  3. I wish we could go back to the days past. The world was a much nicer place to live. Things were not perfect but they were a lot better than they are now.

  4. 3:44 No they weren't.

  5. 3:30, thanks for taking the time to write that wonderful, sentimental poem from your jail cell. It really meant alot to myself and I'm sure many people out there who share your disfunction and anger. Peace to you...

  6. The past did not have Obama, therefore it was better. If you are not old enough you will not understand. Communism, socialism, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, innocent baby killing (abortion), living together without marriage and presidents who don't give a damn about the constitution ARE WRONG. If you don't wake up and realize this you will not have the benefits of the past generations, only a gloomy socialist utopia where everybody worships the state and is equally poor and morally bankrupt.

  7. I liked it back then and miss it today!

  8. That is a fantasy - in your memory. If it is in fact your memory, it is not shared by most people.

  9. 3:44 No they weren't.

    March 1, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    Well it would depend on if you were white or black I suppose.

    Aside from that, I think they were better in general terms.

    Then again, we didn't have the internet to inform us of all the crazy people, and their morbid deeds like we do today.

    We were a little more innocent then and less jaded.

  10. I do miss hymns that sound Godly. I hate "praise'n worship" music, at least in Church.

  11. 10:11 You wont like Heaven then, suggest cracking open that bible.

  12. 3:30... sounds like you had it rough....but we now have more people out of work, on welfare or disability, more single moms, more prisoners in prison, more foreclosures, more old people working instead of retiring, more teen pregnancies, and more part-time workers than we've had in our history. So, I submit that there HAVE been better times in this great country. Not PERFECT times, but better ones. Take a picture. Its only gonna get worse from here on out...if for no other reason than entropy.


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