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Friday, March 01, 2013

Miller Says Administration-Backed Transportation Bill Coming

A day after meeting with the Democratic leaders of the General Assembly, Gov. Martin O’Malley may soon introduce a bill that would raise hundreds of millions of dollars for transportation projects.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., D-Calvert and Prince George’s, said Friday that he expects O’Malley to have legislation ready to be introduced when both houses of the legislature convene Monday at 8 p.m. A spokeswoman for the governor said later that there was nothing to announce yet.

Details of an administration-backed plan have not emerged. Miller introduced his own bill last month that would create a new 3 percent tax on wholesale gasoline purchases while simultaneously hiking the per-gallon fee to 28.5-cents from 23.5-cents. Miller’s plan also calls for the creation of regional authorities in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., metropolitan areas that could raise property taxes to pay for light rail projects.



  1. If the wholesalers pay a 3% tax, that would be $0.09 when their price is $3.00 per gallon, which isn't unreasonable given current prices. You know how business works...that 3% gets marked up into the station's price, which marks it up to the consumer.

    Then, the consumer's price goes up 5 cents to $0.28.5.

    When we buy gas, we're going to have roughly 40 cents in state taxes on that gallon instead of 23.5. That ~16.5 cent increase would be a 70% increase in state gas taxes for us to absorb.

    Better buy some lube. We're going to get screwed really hard with this.

  2. If you buy cigarettes in another state to avoid the Md tax and they catch you it's a fine. I wonder if you buy gas in another state if you will also be fined.

  3. Quit raising taxes on me and make the proper cuts! I guess your not going to understand until the Sh_t hits the fan.

  4. Ok all you local Democrats out there in Wicomico OZ. Your wizards you voted for are here to help. You now get exactly what you deserve. More taxes.

  5. just another reason to put my house on the market and move to a more common sense State that stands up for working class n not the welfare state n not libtarded projects..they have bent me ovr and now they want more@!! Not this guy! goodbye md!!! you move closer to a communist nation whenever omally opens his mouth and the fools are in session..gas.. guns... wind...no fracking. ..mileage.health care...property..education..cigerettes..all issues approached from a communist socialist libtared approah...i support none of the democratic(libtard) plans for any of then mentioned issues forcing me to leave my wifes home... not me...i am a come here going back to va...joe these md libtards are doomed move back to delaware n let em stew in ussr md..i for one plan to leave..

  6. Tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend. The only thing Dumbocrats know

  7. another example of Maryland stupidity move now.!!!i am

  8. If you all don't like this proposal, and it is clear that Wicomico can't raise funds to improve roads, then instead of just being critical, let's hear your suggestions on how to fix our roads. (besides cut the fat) Oh, thats right, that would mean that you have to actually do something instead of complain. Sorry, forgot.

  9. hey Ricky you guys are not going to steal any more money form me i m moving out of md ...you already get enough taxes.. fees whatever you want to call to em ...to pay for these costs.. the waste and lib tard approaches to every issue facing this f ed up state is whats got us into this mess seeya

    1. You do know the difference between State imposed and County imposed. Dont you?

  10. I look to see many more people and businesses looking for a new state.


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