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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Retired Army Officer: DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons To Dept. Of Defense

On Saturday March 23, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, posted this letter he sent to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) this week. Hestilow wants DHS to hand over their war weapons to the Department of Defense.The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas
United States Senate
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America

Dear Senator Cornyn,

It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.

Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.



  1. Click back to the (nineteen)thirties....a civilian national security force like the military for internal security...ended up being used against that country's own citizens...

    History is doomed to repeat itself unless we recognize the beginnings of the repetition...

  2. Let's get real. The people that work for DHS live, shop, perhaps go to your local church, or are a member of a civic organization. If they are working here they are living here. Forget the vehicles and the bullets It makes no difference unless DHS wishes to declare war on Americans. If that would happen we could just pick them off, one at a time.

  3. 12:40, your naivety is both astounding and disturbing.
    This is typical low information voter disregard for the obvious.
    It is dangerous.
    You people do not even realize it has already begun.

  4. 12:40 - Where do you think ANY military force comes from? It lives amongst the very citizens it is supposed to protect. When their commander forces them to turn on those citizens, unfortunately, most soldiers comply. You need to look at the bigger picture here, not the 6 people from DHS that live near you but the entire force he is amassing. History is repeating itself, almost to the letter!

  5. 1:10 This is your naive 12:40 responding. If someone was to offer a ransom for your life, and it was legal, there would be a bulls eye on the back of your head as big as a barn door. You would not be able to cut your grass, go to the store,or even leave your house to get in your car, for fear of being terminated. If DHS employees wish to live that way, so be it. For me, I'm still a free American. Obama is not my God!

  6. 12:40 i would like to know which walmart you shop at that sells the ammo that will disable a armored vehichle,

  7. You people don't understand. 12:40 is no way talking about disabling a armored vehicle with ammo from anyplace. 12:40 is talking about disabling the people that drive the armored vehicles.

  8. Seems like we're all arguing the same point!
    Can we all agree, DHS TSA employee's are toast first if Obama begins action?
    Can't we all get along?

  9. With the will of the people, no country can survive gorilla warfare. The United States was built because of gorilla actions against England. So if the DHS and their Muslim president wish to arm themselves with whatever, so be it.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Let's get real. The people that work for DHS live, shop, perhaps go to your local church, or are a member of a civic organization. If they are working here they are living here. Forget the vehicles and the bullets It makes no difference unless DHS wishes to declare war on Americans. If that would happen we could just pick them off, one at a time.

    March 27, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    This soft hearted liberal clown is just to stupid to vote and yes they live amongst us. People like him are easily brainwashed and that is what is happening throughout America. These Kool Aid drinkers are doctors, lawyers, teachers and every works.

  11. , no country can survive gorilla warfare. The United States was built because of gorilla actions against England. So if the DHS and their Muslim president wish to arm themselves with whatever, so be it.

    March 27, 2013 at 4:14 PM

    lol. you gonna give that gorilla a banana? lol

    I think you meant guerrilla.

  12. No one here seems to get it.

    Obama has three Muslim names he choose for himself after visiting Pakistan for two months. A trip we know nothing about hardly.

    Obama has Muslim Brotherhood throughout Government. They and the New Black Panthers will use these weapons and they have no love for American Values. They absolutely hate us.

    Obamas goal is making America an Islamic Dictatorship just like he is doing over seas in so many countries.

  13. my point is when it hits the fan. and martial law is declared we the people will not have the means to stop the dhs thugs

    a militia of 10 will not stop an armored swat team with protected vehicles we might get a few but they will simply over power us

    unless something happens in the very near future it will be too late

  14. oh they're scared very scared we are the last road block to world domination protracted by the UN and globalists. I agree with the letter the DHS has no cconstiutional or legal right yo prepare for revolution..or is this another bill we dont know whats in it? hot topics gun rights .. gay rights ...taxes ..Financial robbery....all planned to divide us to mske it easier.generations of brainwashed fools ignorant to the play going on it front of our faces...be prepared

  15. 12:40. You ain't gonna have much warning that these friendly DHS neighbors are getting ready to start using all that military equipment on us. What? You think they are going to knock on your door before they leave and tell you the crap is getting ready to go down? LOL! Look at (consider) all the police and military people in Argentina, China, Cambodia, Russia, and Germany (the actual list is MUCH longer) who had no problem killing their (pay attention now) neighbors when ordered to do so. When the government declares YOU to be the latest boogeyman, there will a target on YOUR back, too. No matter how much you liked the really nice DHS employee next door, who, by the way, has been sent to Indiana, where it will be STRANGERS he kills (much easier). And the Indiana DHS troops will be HERE, also killing strangers. Good luck with the peace and love stuff.

  16. There was nothing about peace and love stuff on 12:40s comment. That comment from he or she meant that true American values will stand. Why in the hell do you see gun sales higher today than in any time in our Nations history. During WW1 and WW2 there were not this many guns sold. Why? Back then, Americans believed in their government and thought their government would protect them. Today it's a different ballgame.


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