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Thursday, March 07, 2013


Just four years ago, candidate Barack Obama said he believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. "And God is in the mix." Who moved?

Say what you will about President Barack Obama's policies; millions of Americans voted for the man in no small part because his family represents a much yearned-for ideal. How much happier Americans would be if all our children lived in a stable, loving, married family with a mom and a dad--like the Obama family. Many writers expressed the hope that having these real-life Huxtables in the White House would turn around many devastating pathologies in America's cities--and in our rural areas, too.

But that was then. Last week, President Obama dropped the family friendly mask. He sent his Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli, up the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court with a simple message: Dump Dads. Lose Moms. That's because the Solicitor General speaks for the President. In the most august and formal way, it is this officer who carries the President's deepest convictions to lay them before the nation's High Court. What the Solicitor General actually said was this:



  1. So, how many people are completely fed up with this immoral piece of human debris in the White House?

  2. Name one thing he's done for you! (anybody) If you can't guess what? Who elected him anyways?

  3. I am 11:54. These bastards are doing everything they can think of to undermine this country and "fundamentally transform it". They are causing the unraveling of families also, as I now view the liberal members of my (wife's) family as the enemy and they view me as a "right wing extremist". Needless to say, we do not get along any more.

  4. 8:00 I heard that!
    Remember, they, in supporting all the radical immorality of the Obama regime,(genital reformation) are the EXTREMISTS.

    Hey, Obama said it, Fundamental transformation.
    Gender reassignment is about as fundamental as you can get.
    It is not normal or anything close to normal.
    THEY and supporters are the FREAKS.

  5. 11:54 - you're not giving human debris a fair shake.....

  6. Obozo is immoral scum. All the African American Christian voters that put him back in office are either sorry for what they did or deserving of what they are going to get if they don't care.


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