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Monday, March 18, 2013

NYC Mayor Wants Stores to Hide Cigarettes

Mayor Bloomberg wants stores to hide cigarettes behind counters, curtains or cabinets as part of his next anti-smoking effort.

The billionaire former smoker has made anti-tobacco efforts a major part of his mayoralty and private philanthropy.

Bloomberg banned smoking in bars and restaurants during his first term, a move that was not common at the time. He has also donated hundreds of millions to programs that seek to curb smoking around the world.



  1. i have a better idea; let's hide the mayor instead; for a long time.


  2. Who does this man think he is?

  3. He's my Mommy, and I need him to tell me what to eat, drink, smoke, what store to shop, and where to go doody.Leave my Mommy alone!

  4. Bloomburg and his ilk need to come out of the communist..fascist closet...everything thing this loon thinks up is 180out from any sense

  5. He is one bizarre whack job!

  6. At 13 bucks a pack, I would be ashamed to show them too.

    New Yorkers are notorious for being impatient, but how they have suffered this fool for so long is amazing.

  7. 9:34 have you been to NY lately? they deserve each other just like maryland with o'mommy!

  8. Actually it's a really good idea. We need to stop smoking, nicotine is more dangerous than heroin i reality.

  9. Ya stop the smokers, then we don't get the tax money, than they raise our takes to offset the loss, so we non smokers end up paying more, no, let the smokers continue to pay and die, who cares!!!???

  10. 9:34 have you been to NY lately? they deserve each other just like maryland with o'mommy!

    March 19, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    No, actually I haven't been in NY for a couple of years at least.


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