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Friday, March 15, 2013

Mission Of Mercy Starts Today!

For information click HERE

Hundreds are already in line as of  5am.


  1. God Bless these Dentists & Volunteers who are offering such a program. It's about time we saw this kind of RELIEF in America for our own people. Many in this Country are suffering both physically and financially. I want the names of these Dentists & Volunteers as they should be recognized.

  2. why aint these PEEPS lined up to fill out a job Application?

  3. I got there @ 4:45 am... waited outside in 30 degree weather until 830 when they decided to count people and cut the line.. They cut the line 4 people infront of me and said come back tomorrow we will not be able to take anymore patients today! UGHHH!

  4. That's terrible 9:27 but don't lose faith..GO tomorrow....I read about this yesterday and went to their website and what a great thing these Dentist and VOLUNTEER's are doing because no one's getting paid..its all FREE

  5. 9:23..I was one of these "peeps" standing in line this morning(I wrote the 9:27am comment).. and just so you know.. I work Mon-Fri 8-5.. then I have a part time that is about 6 days a week from 530-10:30.. So dont assume that us "peeps" dont work just because we are lined up to get help! Thanks in advance...

  6. 1209 Let e guess you took a sick day off YOUR "job" to wait on line, Yeah OK.

  7. 1:10... I am @ work now... when they cut the line off @ 8:30 I left and came to work... so wtf are you talking about? Assumptions make you look real stupid!

  8. It Amazes me that when the JOBS FAIR truck was around Salisbury last month nobody was there but when people need dental work they come out of the woodwork?

  9. Sad that people think you have no job because you cannot afford health care. I know a family with 2 small children, both parents work. Their healthcare for the kids got cut and they cannot afford it. They work hard to make ends meet. You pompous ass. I hope you fall down on your luck one day.

  10. 8!14 are you at work right Now


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