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Monday, March 18, 2013

Leading House Democrat Says Job Creation, Not Deficit Cutting, Is Immediate Priority

As both the House and Senate work on budget blueprints for the new fiscal year, Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee, emphasized on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday that for his party “our priority is job growth” -- not cutting the debt or annual budget deficits.

“Right now our big problem is to sustain the economic recovery. We’ve seen momentum in the job market and the last thing we want do right now is to put the brakes on that,” Van Hollen told NBC’s David Gregory. “In fact one half of this year’s deficit is due to unemployment.”


  1. Psst.... Hey Chris, don't choke on that Smithfield ham sandwich while talking about Maryland's contribution towards saving or growing jobs.

  2. that's how dumb they are... MD has 4 companies with about a total of 1000 jobs about to be relocated to another state due to the laws, restrictions and fees and taxes, then they go as far as to provoke companies like Beretta and say "You won't dare move" or "You are bluffing"...

    My questions is, how will you create jobs, if no one wants to be in MD? and all you do is raise taxes to cover the losses, yet what will you do when those 1000 plus jobs leave, raise taxes that's what...

    Its all lame and fake and smoke and mirrors, if they would stop spending it as fast as it came in, there would be no deficit... and since NO ONE says they want or will cut the deficit, that means it will stay the same no matter what jobs you create...

  3. Leave it to d dumbocrat to not figure out that the deficit spending is causing job loss.

  4. another embarrasing moment by another maryland liberal. do these people read, listen to reason, research history? what on earth do they do? does anyone else see what a threat and menace the libs are to our local, state and federal governments?

  5. I hate to be negative and try not to be, and frankly, Democrats are just plain stupid. I will never vote for another Democrat as long as I live. That includes Mathias, Conway, and Cane.


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