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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jake Day Admits After Forum Ireton Proposes 500 Housing Units Downtown

At last nights forum Jake Day challenged me by saying he's never seen Ireton state he's proposing 500 affordable housing units Downtown.

However, after the Forum I ran into Jake in the parking lot where he apologized for throwing me under the bus in his statement. He went on to say he knew Ireton wanted 500 housing units on the parking lots Downtown but not all of them were affordable housing. I responded, then why didn't you say that?

Nevertheless, Mayor Ireton wants to give away OUR parking lots for pennies on the dollar as well as EDU's. I stated last night, a good leader doesn't GIVE anything away. Salisbury has so much to offer between enterprise zones and extremely low rental/lease rates we don't need to give away anything. 

The way I see it is, think about the old story so many of us have heard or even told over the years when a parent GIVES a child a car. It rarely gets washed and it rarely has the interior cleaned. However, when you make your child pay their own way for a vehicle, it's always washed, waxed and cleaned on the inside.

Government needs to get out of the way and STOP giving things away. Salisbury real estate is already cheap enough and any smart business from the western shore will instantly recognize that. I'd rather have someone PAY for property where they will take care of it rather than someone who gets a free ride and doesn't care for it.

Again, when I'm elected you will NOT see our parking lots turned into affordable housing. Don't let Jake Day's statement last night fool you in any way, shape or form. I was not given the opportunity to respond to his statement nor did I want to appear defensive. 

The truth will set you free.


  1. 5 days left mayor to be X mayorMarch 27, 2013 at 11:24 AM

    Day wants to just get the votes NO Matter what, I like Day but for crying out loud pick a side and stay out of the Mayors Race.

  2. Joe. I do not live in Salisbury but grew up there. I wish you the best of luck in your efforts to bring common sense back to our government. You have an extreme up-hill battle because there are too many free riding Democrats on handouts that will vote against you.

  3. Day really has no clue, but he talks a good line. Not my choice of representative.

  4. Salisbury = NO jobs,low income housing,free food card, free electric(Shore Up),free cells, free health care, on and on and on, and the Mayor will sell you the Brooklyn Bridge if he could,just keep you happy,So if you want this town to become another CHICAGO vote for ireton BC that's where this town is heading, If you want to see a turn around in salisbury Vote...JOE/Debbie.

  5. Jake Day is the Realtor, SU and Landlords candidate.

  6. How is Jake Day going to "work with everybody" on council when he has been so negative toward the people on there, not just his opponent.

    It's like Jim Ireton pretending he is running against Debbie Campbell instead of focusing on debating you, Joe.

  7. So not only did Shanie have a written prepared answer to her "spontaneous question", not only did Jake Day also seem to have a prepared answer, Not only does Jake Day hold himself innocent of his speeding violations, Jake Day lied to the public about the proposed 500 Unit subsidised housing development plans during the forum but privately admitted to you that he indeed lied? And there are actually still city residents who think this guy is a good deal?

  8. Everything that spells carpetbagging and promotion of Salisbury as an easy backseat chippie seems to be the agenda
    of Shields, Day and Ireton.
    Their plans call for the destruction of the city and what precious little is left of its proud heritage.

  9. He lied to the Chamber about haven spoken personally to the developers of Rivers Edge and pretended that they had said bad things about the council when they hadn't. He was also less than truthful about the petition signatures. They were not counted because there were not enough. I estimate that about 20-30% would have been disqualified. He as much as admitted that he used that upset fueled by lies to collect signatures to run his campaign. That's not who I want representing me. Driving on a suspended license. Reckless it comes tot he law and reckless about what he is willing to say and do to get elected. No thank you. I'll vote for Campbell. She is tried and true.

  10. 499 IS NOT 500 so there he did not lie or through you under the bus. He altered the truth and threw you under the tractor trailer.

  11. let me make this upcoming election easy for all of you. Let the current administration list their accomplishments over the last 4 years and if you're satisfied, vote them back in. If not, make a change.

  12. To those big Jake Day supporters out there do you think he will be able to fulfill his job as a city council member if elected? If you remember reading the Daily Times on Sunday when he commented about his numerous speeding tickets he blamed it on having to drive 65 miles a week to work each day. If that is the case do you think he will be able to take off every single day there is a work session? Do you think his employer will allow him that much time off. Think about it, that is 130 miles a day which means he is on the road over 2 1/2 hours every day. There are a lot of work sessions and budget work sessions coming up very soon. I doubt seriously he will be able to participate in the work sessions. Work, Court, National Guard duties? How can he make that commitment. It is obvious that Jim Ireton picked Jake Day to be his Rubber Stamper at the night meetings if he can make it. Jake Day is a bad choice. You talk about grid lock, it will always be a 2 to 2 vote because Jake day will rarely be at the meetings. Don't be stupid on this one.

  13. If you were carefully listening last evening when Day spoke, you would have caught him in several mis-statements.
    I am asking myself why he studied what he studied yet isn't practicing the trade? That is telling in itself.
    He is being backed by out of state and of course the local slumlords.
    Day knew exactly what the plan was from the beginning. When he spoke about it, he looked over at the mayor inasmuch as saying we pulled it over on them.
    A vote for Day is a wasted vote because the man is dishonest. If he can't speak the truth in public, what makes you think you can trust him in private???
    The only reason he is running is to oil his palms when the rentals start taking over the entire town.
    The realtors behind him, don't deserve to have honest citizens doing business with them.
    A vote for Campbell isn't a
    "no" vote, it's a vote to keep your money where it belongs, in YOUR wallet.

  14. What I want to see is Ireton's original downtown plan which consisted of over 200 pages.
    Why is the plan that is now viewable online been redacted and consists of only 33 pages?

  15. He's a habitual liar, just like JimBeau, his buddy.

  16. 500 housing units on the downtown plaza = higher crime rate, more trash unless he comes up with a way to have it picked up and 500+ people who don't have a job and are depending on handouts from the state to keep them covered with foodstamps, medical and cash. He is trying to imitate obama and reaching out to anyone who will vote for him if they believe that they will get a free ride.

  17. 500 downtown housing units compresses the poor into an easily controlled area that would be totally at the mercy of an occupying presence.

    Those affordable housing units are developed by selling off our city's assets (the parking lots) to a favored few at fire sale prices.

    The possible movement out of the ghetto near Perdue mirror's Tilghman's plan to tear that place up and redevelop it after Perdue leaves (voluntarily or not). They are just not being as blatent about it. Those slumlords have made bank on their poorly maintained properties and this is the best way to cash out. You know that they are connected enough to make this work.

    Out of town money trying to sway our policies. Why? What's in it for them?

    A candidate who's stated profession is to create "sustainable" development that limits property rights to the point where the unconnected can do little more than exist.

    An attitude of "Do as I say, not as I do." Sounds like a member of the ruling class, who is above the people.

    Don't dare let this Agenda 21 shill into our government. His goal is to continue to rot our city from the core.

    PS - Rent is not affordable in this town. Much more than 70% of our residential housing is rental stock, and SAPOA colludes to set market rates and business practices. The payments are much higher than the appraised worth of a property.

  18. And it is all a stones throw from Forest Lane, Pinehurst, and Clairmont--the property values will plummet-but thats the plan all along. People that have lived there for generations will have to move and sell their homes at a loss, Realtors notify landlords and Viola--they are scooped up at a song and the SU students will pay out the nose in rent. Su no longer has to worry about overcrowded
    dorms and lack of housing! Win WIn for SU, Realtors and Landlords!!! Yay!!!!

  19. Of course Jake Day is going to come clean now. There isn't another candidates forum for him to come clean so he will stick with his lies in an attempt to make you and Debbie look dumb.

  20. Jake Day was asked about the current acting fire chief. I like how Jake Day stated last night that the citizens can't stomach not having Rick Hoppes as their fire chief. Wrong answer Jakey we thank the council majority for looking out for our best interest and not confirming that corrupt thief. Does the Fire Boat ring a bell?

  21. Okay.....so when he announced his reelection bid Ireton touted as one of his accomplishments the TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY (270) page revitalization plan and yes now that plan has been cut down to 33 pages.
    Maybe all the references to the 500 affordable housing units were cut out of it? What else could be the explanation since now all of a sudden they are saying they never said "affordable" housing units.
    Who can trust these people anymore?

  22. if he's willing to lie now why on earth would you believe he would change as a leader? he's showing us his hand now, so i would say, wisely, don't vote for someone who continues to lie...could be a lot of trouble.

  23. I know you don't like to provide links Joe but this one is important so everyone knows who is on the board of coastal realtors who sent out a mailing endorsing Day.


    It's also important for everyone to know that in this day and age with the internet we need realtors no more than we need a case of diarrhea.

  24. If CAR has that much money that they can print and mail out a mass mailing such as this then they surely should be lowering memebership dues. I wonder who the braintrusts are that made this executive decision without consulting the members?
    Poor irrational decision that yes, anyone thinking of selling their home needs to be aware of. Do you want these people who may not reflect your political views benefitting from you money in the form of commissions? There are plenty of For Sale by Owner websites that cost considerabley less money for you to go to. Remember that realtors need you but the general public at large does not need them.

  25. So, he's an admitted liar. That's all I need to know.

  26. If the CURRENT administration does NOT continue, Mr. Day ceases to be a recipient of taxpayer money. While I am not sure why you care, I can see where he would. Just pass on that you can replace good ole Jake if necessary. Who knows.. Sounds like a good job.

  27. Hey guys, somewhere I have seen that it is in the military code that you are not to use your uniform in pics to promote running for office, am I correct on this???

  28. Anonymous said...

    PS - Rent is not affordable in this town. Much more than 70% of our residential housing is rental stock, and SAPOA colludes to set market rates and business practices. The payments are much higher than the appraised worth of a property.

    March 27, 2013 at 3:52 PM

    You are correct. It is more like 90%.

  29. It makes me sick to my stomach when I see this picture of Jake Day in uniform.

    This man dishonors all the military persons who proudly wear the uniform with honor. Day dishonors the uniform with all the lies he tells. He stands behind this picture and touts his "military service", yet with his lies and dishonesty and the deceitful way he tries to portray himself he dishonors the uniform.

    The only proven thing is his constant lies and misrepresentations of the truth, and the fact he is backed by out-of-town realtors, and the slumlords locally that are paying him to support them.

    If you think for one minute Jake Day and Jim Ireton are for the city employees or the citizens you are badly mistaken.

    The college wants them elected so they can gain cheap rental properties. The SU police and the local police can't control the college students in rentals now. The trash, the noise, the parking is unreal. When called for help, they usually won't even come.

    To let Ireton & Day have access to your hard earned dollars for more fees, more taxes will be your ruin if you vote these two jackels into office.

    Why in the world do you want someone in office who lies both to your face and behind your back? Don't you deserve better for yourself, family, and friends?

    If you believe in fairness, and honesty and you want something better for yourselves, please vote for Albero, Campbell, and Polk for a better tomorrow for EVERYONE not just a select group who really care nothing about you except for your money. Give it a try!

    I know I would much rather have someone like Ms. Campbell in office with documented facts than a smooth talking Day with no substance except his willingness to break the law. Mr. Albero has the resources at hand which will help the city. Let Albero/Campbell help move the city forward for all of us.

  30. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

  31. Jim said last night that this will be a free edu zone. Isn't that a subsidy? I don't care what Jake says, it is a subsidized housing project.

  32. I followed that link from 6:06. Now the Realtors backing Jake Day makes sense to me, maybe.

    Wasn't Wesley Cox a partner with Doug Church and Brad Gillis when they went after the parking lot next to Rob Mulford's Market Street Inn? Dunn and the Dreamers were about to give it to them when people raised a stink and he dropped it like a hot muffin.

    If I'm wrong, sorry about that. But I was watching things close back then because of land deals. I haven't kept up as much lately. But that one stuck out for me back then I often went to Market Street. Wish I could now, but work sends me in the opposite direction now.

  33. 10:58pm you've got it...now keep going through the list there are several. I'm going through each and everyone of them.

    You really have to ask the question why are the realtors so against Campbell? The only reason is the fact she stands up for doing what is right.

    Day and all the special interest groups he is representing care nothing about the city and the people. They finally see a chance to change the vote from 3-2 to 2-2 and win control of the council so they can push forward with their agendas which do not and will not include what is in the best interests of the citizens of Salisbury. If this wasn't so, they wouldn't be pushing so hard. They want her gone so she can be replaced with a no-nothing double-talker such as Day.

    For coastal realtors and others to support a person such as Day speaks volumes of the kind of people they actually are.

    There are big bucks to be had by the pimping of downtown, the parking lots, and buildings.

    Voting for Ireton/Day/Shields is a sure vote that you pimped the city you live in. These are hustlers and nothing else.

  34. I know Day and am his age. I wont be jumping on the bandwaggon and voting for him. When had you seen him at a public meeting before this year? His lack of knowledge about Salisbury government scares me. I will be voting for those with experience. Salisbury needs experience.

  35. It makes me sick to my stomach when I see this picture of Jake Day in uniform.

    This man dishonors all the military persons who proudly wear the uniform with honor. Day dishonors the uniform with all the lies he tells. He stands behind this picture and touts his "military service", yet with his lies and dishonesty and the deceitful way he tries to portray himself he dishonors the uniform.

    The only proven thing is his constant lies and misrepresentations of the truth, and the fact he is backed by out-of-town realtors, and the slumlords locally that are paying him to support them.

    Me too. But he is in the National Guard and that's par for the course in that unit.

    They have their cliques in there just as they do in their real jobs.

    Good ole boys, everyone.

    They are good to have around when there's a flood or other weather event. But other than that, don't trust farther than you can see them. Especially if they're armed.

    They might not shoot ya if they know you but if you're a stranger, give them a wide berth.

  36. Anon 1:41 a.m. As a person who has served in Vietnam. I clearly have no idea what you are referring to. Leave the military out of it. Vote for Debbie campbell based on her contribution and record to the city.

  37. The questions that need to be demanded of CAR is how did they come up with this endorsement.
    It is a process and was that process followed.
    The leaders of CAR should have either interviewed candidates in person or via questionair. Did that happen? Was Debbie Campbell given this opportunity? If not than this organization is run haphazardly and demand should be made for real leadership that acts appropiately.

  38. 8:25 Did you not notice that Bill Martins daughter is on the board of CAR? Bill Martin will benefit from being both Realtor and slumlord in Salisbury.

  39. Day I so blind to whats going on around him.

  40. Keep going through the list and do the cross checking ie-realtors, contractors, property owners...some of you are actually starting to find the connections

  41. Day thanks Bradley Gillis for the endorsement of CAR. The question of were the 2 candidates interviewed before endorsement should and does need to be addressed.

  42. As a 30 year military retiree and veteran of two wars and a bunch of armed scrapes, I know a poser in uniform when I see one. And I see one in young 2Lt Day.
    He's the kind of self-serving junior officer that gets good people killed. And the kind that gets fragged in the latrine by his own guys.

  43. This comment was posted by John Robinson on Jake Day's Facebook page and look who was the first person to like it. None other than Jake Day himself. This is the same person that claims he can get along with all the council members on the city council for a better Salisbury? Jake Day allowed this nasty lie to be posted on his website and then liked it immediately and has kept it posted for 10 days now! This is not good for a candidate to promote gossip and mean spirited information on his web page. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and John Robinson are evil people and to dangerous for Salisbury. Everyone should know about this lie Jake Day is endorsing and vote for Debbie Campbell.

    John D Robinson: And why in the same breath dint they bring up the Cambell VIDEO SEX TAPE SCANDAL? Oh wait shhh that never happened. Politics is so dirty - stay above the crap Jake your a hell of a guy!

    March 18 at 7:59pm · Like · 4

    People who like this:

    Jacob Day
    Second Lieutenant at United States Army

    Ryan DeVage..

    DeAnna Briddell
    Salisbury, Maryland
    Eric Thompson

  44. What I'm curious to know is if any of Days schooling was paid for by the National Guard.

  45. Jacob Day would tend to like such a comment 11:27 because that's par for course of someone with his immaturity.
    The whole thing creeps me out because it makes them both sound like sick perverts.

  46. After checking out who supports Jake Day on Facebook the reality is that Jake Day has quite a following of 20-30 year olds. Thats great, but I would venture to guess none of them have knowledge of or have lived the last 2 decades of Salisbury City politics enough to know the absolute battle that has taken place JUST to preserve the few remaining owner occupied neighborhoods.Think any of them remember Joe Scott or CT Webster? All they see is a smooth talking handsome guy their age who is going to make Salisbury into some urban utopia like Chestertown or ALexandria. They have listened to Jake Day and believe his lies that Debbie Campbell has PREVENTED business development and turned down business that wanted to come here. NOthing could be further from the truth. Sadly, just like in the National election, this age group is easily fooled by hope and change, and I fully expect Jake Day will win. Just another slap in the face to longtime city residents who have fought the battles for years.

  47. Jake Day on his facebook page slams Joe Albero for the 500 unit housing falsehood, but later admits to Joe that it is try? So I am confused--what is the truth here?

  48. And now Barrie Tilghman has endorsed him!

    What else needs to be said!

  49. I have attempted to contact Jake Day, (as a good LEADER should) but Jake has refused to return my message. I asked Jake to call me.

    Let's just clear the air on this matter. Jim Ireton public stated during the NAACP Forum that he wants 500 affordable housing units on the Downtown parking lots.

    At Tuesday's PACE Forum Jim Ireton stated crime was also down 40%, UNTRUE. Part 1 crime may be down 40% but as I have stated many different times, Jim needs to be more careful in what he says.

    That being said, Ireton also clearly stated that he wanted the EDU's from Linens of the Week to be given out towards parking lot projects and called it an EDU FREE ZONE.

    THAT IS A SUBSIDY. Affordable Housing, Subsidized Housing, I don't care what you call it, Jake Day, (with ALL due respect) was wrong in his statement the other night. He chose to go after me personally during the Forum, (which is his right) but he should have been more clear.

    Now it is my understanding that Jake is claiming I'm lying about the apology. I have two witnesses who were standing right there when he said it. Jake also never contacted me after my Post went up yesterday. We have been in regular contact throughout this campaign and the one person he should have called would have been me.

    Jake and I have agreed time and time again we need to agree to disagree and we both agreed on that from the beginning.

    I have nothing bad to say about Jake Day. He is a very nice young man. If I was wrong in any way, shape or form I would have come back on here with a Post stating such. The fact that Jake refuses to return my call or text says a lot in my mind.

    Nevertheless, as I have stated from the very beginning, I will work with ALL five Council Members no matter who is elected.

    We're all at the closing stage of this election and each one of us are on edge.

    Tuesday is a big day for Salisbury. Please, whatever you do, get out and vote on April 2nd.

  50. I'd like to add, I just received a text message from Jake Day. He stated he's been tied up but will contact me this evening. A friend informed him of my comment, (above) and he followed up with a text message.


  51. Jake Day

    Yesterday near Bridgeville via mobile.

    There seems to be no limit to the length some will go for a vote. I did not and will not apologize to Mr. Joe Albero for finally calling attention to his distortion of the Mayor's downtown plan. I only pointed out that it wasnt personal, just a necessary clarification and distinction. His suggestion that the plan calls for 500 affordable housing units downtown is untrue and designed only to mislead voters and to stoke fear and misunderstanding about revitalization and affordable housing. The politics of fear and the politics of vengeance will no longer dominate our city. Treat the voters with more respect, or expect to be very disappointed next Tuesday.

    His comment reeks of cockiness and I hope he is slam dunked by Debbie Campbell on Tuesday. I like confidence, but this is pure cocky. I will be pleased to find out Ireton, Chuck Cook and the few students of SU gave him false hope.

    If the voters want a better Salisbury then they need to get out and vote Albero, Campbell and Polk on Tuesday April 2, 2013.

  52. Since you have your "friends" constantly monitoring this site why don't you man up and tell the truth Jake Day? Ireton most certainly did make the statement regarding the 500 units at the NAACP forum. You obviously are privy to these plans, why don't you show some integrity and reveal what the plans are instead of denying them? Or do you just send out you recently moved to the Clairmont area minions to argue with his neighbors that they are wrong instead?

  53. I also am a retired United States Marine who served 20 plus years. This "wanabe" military guy is a joke. I spent more time in the latrine then he has serving in the military. Guys like him are dangerous.

  54. Jake Day posted "Near Bridgeville" on FB. Does that mean he and Ireton were traveling together on their way to the infamous Delaware Beach?


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