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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Exclusive: Mychal Massie uses health research to spotlight cost of lifestyle
“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent [homosexual] man who understood human problems,” opined Elton John in a Parade magazine interview.

John’s views of “a compassionate man” juxtaposed to the compassion of Jesus of Nazareth are incoherent because he doesn’t recognize Jesus as Christ, Lord and Savior. He misses the truth of Christ by reducing Him simply to a man.


  1. The CDC came out with a report today that there are 111,197,000 STD infected persons in the country ( and that means there are alot more not accounted for) STD's cost the American Health Care System 16 BILLION
    dollars a year. Now one would think that a sexual lifestyle like homosexuality would be regarded by this administration as a detriment to the country--after all they are banning bake sales and big gulps. Why does the Democrat party and especially Obama promote homosexuality?

  2. Thank You, 607! Aids, lack of procreation, and screwing up the brains of "adopted" kids is a recipe for future disaster, Sorry, but the truth is the truth, and I am not in favor of this abomination.

  3. To "Bullard Construction" -- you the same Gary Bullard who got divorced in 2000? You might want to look up what the Bible has to say about divorce before you start spouting off on homosexuality.

  4. 8:31 - Enlighten us please. I have researched this very topic and have found a number of verses dealing with divorce. Although there are some rules/ directions for divorcing a wife or husband that is all they are. Divorce is NOT prohibited in the bible. Enlighten yourself please.

  5. Neither is homosexuality if you actually read it not just be a sheep.

  6. 831, yes, that's me. Call me for the details if you wish, but she left and I raised our children without her help. She still owes all the child support and never paid a dime! Any other questions?

  7. Anyone ever heard the phrase "let he who is without sin cast the first stone.". Oh, and I know it is followed up by telling the sinner "go and sin no more," but the point is don't condemn others loudlymand self-righteously

  8. This article does not condemn anything, it presents the facts of the detrimental effects of the type of sexual activities of homosexuality and the impact on our health care system. No need to start slinging mud. Tough toenails if you can't accept the facts.

  9. I sure hope you never remarry, because that would be adultery according to the Bible, and that would be an abomination.

  10. 9:09 Stop trying to use personal attacks to detract from the content of this post--it is such a typical liberal leftist ploy--. You can't change the factual evidence that the risks of homosexuality include a drastic impact on your health, and since the current Democrat administration is only TOO willing to ban Bake sales in schools and Big sodas, salt and anything ELSE they deem a public health hazard --one has to wonder why homosexual sexual practices which create an enormous burden to the health care system are not discouraged.But one look at the Obama administration and it is readily apparent that Obama support homosexuality--he has a disproportionate number of them in high positions.

  11. Listen, I could care less if your gay, straight, or date animals. Why is our government getting into the sexual orientation of it's people. I believe in definition of marriage: one man with one woman. If you want to live in a deviant and pervers life style; frankly I don't give a damn. I just don' want the government to endorse this life style by changing the definition of marriage. Do whatever they hell you want, just leave the moral meaning or marriage alone.

  12. Notice how physically ill Elton John has been lately.He has been cancelling appearances right and left.Illness comes when a person truly knows better but does not act accordingly.In this case he belittles Christ.How could such an intelligent gifted person do such a thing?


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