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Monday, March 11, 2013

Ireton Takes Credit for (Lack of) Rain

No one in the history of local politics can grandstand like Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton.  At a Friday press conference Ireton claimed credit for a “cleaner” Wicomico River.  There’s just one problem – the cause for a marginally cleaner river was last year’s drought.
The report, prepared by Judith Stribling of Wicomico Creekwatchers, cites last year’s lack of rain for improved numbers:
City of Salisbury-led efforts to reduce polluted runoff may have contributed to the reduction, but the biggest cause was almost certainly last year’s drought, said Judith Stribling, a Salisbury University researcher and supervisor of the Creekwatchers program.
Ireton still tried to spin the report, which usually isn’t issued until June, and take credit for a slightly cleaner River:
Dr. Stribling said it right,” Mayor Jim Ireton chimed in. “It’s not just a lack of rain, but it’s also some of the things we’re doing.
That’s NOT what Stribling said.  We should also question whether or not the report’s being issued in the spring also impacted the numbers.  If the readings were not taken at approximately the same time of year, with water temperatures at the same general levels, any conclusions of the report could be invalid.
The report also provided numbers for fecal coliform levels for the first time.  Stribling speculated that coliform levels downstream were the the result of septic tanks.  However, she cited no evidence to back up her speculation versus the possibility that coliform levels downstream were due to a previous spill from the city’s wastewater treatment plant.


  1. I saw his report on facebook, and knew it was a joke. Anyone can look at the river and tell it's not healthy.

  2. Lack of brain cells,lol

  3. And shown is a photo of Ireton stretching the truth,,,, again.

  4. Look, as a civil engineer... The Dr is correct 100%... It was the lack of rain that cause the reduction... not the waste water spills and everything else... you have storm run off as well but if it doesn't rain, then the oils and sediment and everything else won't make it to the watersheds...

    NOW also this may seem contradictory however, when the waste water spills in the water, around those outlets are clearer than downstream... How so you ask? here is why, because there are better or "good" bacteria's near and around the outlets of these sewer pipes which studies prove it makes it a bit cleaner, but then you have the current which takes the sludge down stream and then deposits...

    I can tell you 100% that the city is doing nothing to clean up the bay and surrounding watersheds... Had they, you would see no dead fish and birds and wood and the like floating round down here...

    Hell there is so much by market street, had the mayor wanted to keep his promise he could have went down ans scooped it out and shit, that's better than nothing and would look cleaner than it does currently...

    Listen, this mayor only likes to ride the coat tails of other people so never take what he says seriously...

  5. Talk about grasping for straws?

  6. I guess that means he is also responsible for the farmer crop loss.

  7. Your post begs another question:

    If the report is usually put out in June, why was it put out now?

    Did Ireton pressure the group into doing so for his re-election? Or did the environmental group dump its credibility by putting out a premature report to help Ireton?

  8. JIM If the river is that clean and you really want to make a statement to you voter base JUMP IN.

  9. Just JUMP IN period.

  10. Let us not forget our water bill went up double to pay for this....from $7.50 to $15.00. Now the mayor wants even more increase to pay for the ill thought out and executed waste water upgrades....this constant increasing the water, waste bills are not fair to the taxpayers who have been taxed enough. For what?? more poor planning, more poor work, I am sick of it and should you each of you.

  11. Definition of immaturity: Taking credit for something you didn't do and not taking the blame for something you did do

  12. If that river is so clean for everything Ireton claims "We are doing" then could he please go down to the river by the Ramada Inn and take a drink of it for me.

  13. Is Hoppes to dumb to realize Ireton is using him and waiting to throw him under the bus. I wonder how the interview will go on Wednesday with Mare Ireton who claims to be making progress during the new search. Unless Campbell loses the election it will be the same ole same ole childish and immature fight with Ireton attacking the city council. If you get elected Joe I certainly hope you put an end to this fight and that man's career. I had a hard time calling him a man.

    Vote Joe Albero and Debbie Campbell on April 2, 2013.

  14. drama queen at it again.

  15. Crazy question - if Ireton is so in love with Hoppes, why he gotta interview him again for job?

    Smells funny.


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