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Monday, March 11, 2013

Denied: Congress Cuts Off Kerry From Giving Egypt More Foreign Aid

Funding less-than-friendly foreign governments is probably the last thing the “Brokest Nation in History” should be doing with its taxpayer dollars. Nonetheless, before Congress stopped him, our illustrious secretary of state went rogue and offered Egypt hundreds of millions of dollars more in foreign aid than he was legally authorized to deliver. Fortunately, that idea was quickly nipped in the bud:
Secretary of State John Kerry had hoped to offer considerably more aid to Egypt than the $250 million he announced during his trip to Cairo but was blocked by Congress, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) said.

“This is not the aid package that the administration wanted to announce,” Royce told The Hill. The administration wanted to release a “larger sum,” but bowed to the wishes of Royce's committee as well as congressional appropriators, he said.


  1. Lock him up with his street thug OBAMA + his wittle brother Eric Holder

  2. Comrade Hussein ObamaMarch 11, 2013 at 4:34 PM

    'Kerry had hoped to give Egypt more than 250 million'? Are you kidding? Hey, 250 mil to who? Country ruled by Muslim Brotherhood? Take that money and feed the poor & hungry Americans here. Now if Kerry cares so much about some #@#@# Egypt, he can DONATE AS MUCH AS HE WANTS OF HIS OWN MONEY, but somehow I dont think that would happen.

  3. NOW, Defund Obama care.

  4. People who are as filthy rich as Kerry completely lose touch with reality.They cannot think like the rest of us.They refer to hundreds of millions like it's chump change.


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