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Thursday, March 07, 2013

Idea To Replace National Anthem Just Plain Wrong

At a charity game this week, Washington Wizards players Garrett Temple and Martell Webster decided on a whim to sing “The Star Spangled Banner,” and like a lot of other celebrity and noncelebrity performers, their rendition is memorable as they sang the high notes off key.

But, oh, say, can you see changing America’s national anthem to a song written and produced by R. Kelly?

There are a million-plus-1 reasons why President Obama shouldn’t change the national anthem — and surely not bow to a replacing it with the Kelly song “Ignition (remix),” which wreaks of fellas and honeys bouncin,’ bumpin’ and grindin.’

Why are we even discussing this?

Some people who have too much time on their hands have created an online petition, courtesy of the White House’s We the People website, to press the issue with the Obama administration.


1 comment:

  1. That is most absurd. Just more attempts to screw this country up.


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