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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.


  1. What comes around goes around.

  2. Let the gays have their committed relationships, but not marriage. Look at where our country is now with all the liberals and anything goes attitude. I hope the Republicans will set their standards and stick to it, and not let votes stand in the way. Do what is right. Doesn't everyone get tired of the wishy-washy attitudes of our elected officials? No one has any self-respect anymore, and without self-respect, you don't have any respect for anyone or anything!

  3. Gays have ALWAYS had the option to have a lawyer draw up papers giving their "spouse" the same benefits that a married person has-they can leave them all of their property and whatever else they choose. This is about a tiny segment of the population trying to dominate everyone else.

  4. There are over a 1000 federal benefits available to married people that cannot be duplicated with a contract.

  5. Why does everybody care if they want to get married, there's nothing sacred about marriage anymore over 50% of marriages end in divorce and I'm tired of hearing God says marriage is between man and woman next thing you people will want is divorce outlawed because God says you can't, also not everybody belives in God, in this country people are supposed to have the right to freedom of religion when laws get passed that have to do with what God says takes away that freedom

  6. So the evangelicals are going to stomp their feet take their ball home and not play anymore?
    They plan to vote for Hilary or not vote at all?

  7. 12:29-care to name some of those 1000 benefits for married persons? Please link or cite source.

  8. Sounds like a win-win for all.

  9. Washington Post today:

    There are more than 1,000 references to marital status in federal law and regulations covering important federal benefits such as tax savings, Social Security payments and medical and family leave.

  10. And he's right(Huck)

  11. 12:52 you inferred that there are 1000 benefits denied to homosexuals not married, what are they?

  12. Evangelicals are going to have to face the fact that there are some of us in the Republican Party that don't care about gays and really don't care about abortion--as long as we are not forced to pay for it. What we do care are preserving our individual liberties and property rights, as well as preserving our free market system and most of all we care about limiting the power of Government! Now if they choose to "stay home" or "walk away" they are GUARANTEEING that the Leftist Democrat Party will change this country irrevocably. So they better decide which is worse.

  13. So tired of hearing that marriage is only for the religious, and the government should stay out of it.

    Guess what if you want the govt out of the marriage business, its pretty easy, but think about what everyone loses out on:

    No more deductions for your spouse on your taxes, no more dependent exemptions on your taxes either
    no more social security survivor benefits,
    no more spousal exemptions on the death tax.
    Separate health insurance plans also.
    If you die without a will, the Govt takes everything, because they no longer recognize marriage or your spouse.
    Military benefits for your spouse and kids....nope don't see them.

    The govt is already involved in the marriage biz, starting with requiring a marriage license, and ending with SS survivor benefits. Divorces are granted in a court of law run by....you guessed it the govt.

    Are you really willing to lose all the benefits afforded to you and your spouse by the state and federal govt because you don't agree with same sex marriage?


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