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Friday, March 22, 2013



  1. I buy more every chance I get. The problem is I don't get that many chances

  2. got in walmart early yesterday morning , purchased all of the 9mm before he could put it on the shelf.

  3. Obama and the Dumbocraps can't take guns away from us yet so they are doing their best to stop us from buying ammo.

    You idiots that voted for Obama and other Democrats need to keep your mouth shut if you want guns and ammo now!!

  4. What is the hardest ammo to get?

  5. 541, right now, ALL OF IT!

  6. Just found another 200 rounds for mine. Not the one I wanted, but one that will work. I'm ready with 3,000+ rounds. Dang, everybody's sold out of everything!

  7. Does anyone have 7.62x54 180 grain? That's what my sniper rifle uses.

  8. Democrats don't want guns and ammo. The only problem is, they don't want you to have any either.

  9. hardest ammo to find is 223 and 45
    7.62- 39 , 9mm 7.62-54

  10. 6:35 sorry but, 3,000 rds is one firefight when you're really laying it down on riotous mobs of regime brownshirts and paramilitary.
    Forward my dear patriots! Forward!

  11. Thanks 7:32. I'm. the person that posted the 7.63x54 issue. You obviously know what you are talking about! If you can help, where can I get shells for a 10-guage shotgun. It's a older Prussian made, Charles Daily, double barrel with 36" barrels. I think I must find shells with black powder loads.

  12. Anonymous said...
    hardest ammo to find is 223 and 45
    7.62- 39 , 9mm 7.62-54

    March 22, 2013 at 7:32 PM

    I think .22LR is the hardest ammo to find. Anyone know where I can find some?

    What's a good price to pay for 9mm and .45?

    Someone told me to stay away from Winks in P.A.?

  13. 10:41 Someone told me to stay away from Winks in P.A.?

    Only progressive beatniks stay away from Winks.

  14. A little story about Winks.... He refused to sell ammo to a friend of mine that was on the shelf. He was told that ammo was for his loyal customers and not for sale to the general public. Between me, my friend and another co-worker, we have bought 7 guns from him since the election. Who is a loyal customer? Sorry, I refuse to buy anything from him. I believe in buying from small home grown business men, but not there!

  15. Anonymous said...
    10:41 Someone told me to stay away from Winks in P.A.?

    Only progressive beatniks stay away from Winks.

    March 22, 2013 at 11:28 PM

    I am far from progress and Winks was doing some price gouging on their ammo and you know it.

  16. thats funny...you people, stuck in the 1700's..time to evolve, oh thats right you dont believe in evolution.. lol 3,000 rounds!

  17. Winks, Gander and Dicks... all dead and non existent to me. Raising prices, hiding ammo to sell on the side, good ole boy BS. Something I saw at Walmart the other day was crossing the line, but they'll be dealt with too.

    I have been getting .22lr for $.04 per round, $.20pr for 9mm, $.25pr for .45, $.30pr for 5.56 and .223. AND, I'm sending my money to states that care about citizens rights.

  18. Anonymous said...
    thats funny...you people, stuck in the 1700's..time to evolve, oh thats right you dont believe in evolution.. lol 3,000 rounds!

    March 23, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    Does Jim Jones ring a bell to you? What flavor Kool Aid do you like?

  19. 11:21 - you all are the ones drinking the koolaid, buying into the fear factor...stop being so afraid of the boogie man.


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