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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

EVO Field Trip: Sheree Sample-Hughes

Thanks so much for your keen observation that we (Tri County Council) are partaking of the local economy. The practice of the TCC since its inception, has been to promote economic development by way of touring/conducting meetings at businesses in areas we serve. As for me, presently serving at the helm, I do not intend to change the mission nor the process to promote economic development. Evolution Brewery is on the cutting edge of innovation and I appauld their efforts to be an established entity within Wicomico County. I hope you continue to frequent Evolution Brewery and many other businesses located in the Tri County region as well.

Yours in Service,

Sheree Sample-Hughes, District 1
Wicomico County Council
443-366-5846 (phone)
The Reply:
So, Sheree, you do not answer the question. Are you spending money out of your own pockets there like I do, or are you spending my money I pay through taxes there. Keep in mind, My tax money already bought you a 10 million meeting room.


  1. "Partaking of the local economy"? PLEASE.

    And how does this promote economic development?

    I'm glad a few area businesses get a few extra bucks. But does Sheree think that anyone is fooled?

  2. Where was she when Evolution was asking that the state raise the artificially low output for microbreweries be raised?

  3. I think from what was said we can figure out who paid the bill!

  4. G.A., her reply to mine above was, and I quote, "Thank You" Sent from her Droid. It really had the hail standing up on the back of my neck.

  5. So answer the question Sheree--did the taxpayers pay for your Partaking of the local economy? Did WE THE TAXPAYER PAY FOR IT?? YES OR NO????

  6. Promote economic development by way of touring...?? THE *entire* Council? Is there something wrong with one on one meetings of these business owners and reporting your findings back to the Council? This isn't a trade association you head, it's a managing body of the Government funded with taxpayer funds. I've looked all over your website and have yet to find any documentation of the TCC budget (funding and how it was spent). The problem is that the PROCESS doesn't seem to match the MISSION. Partying on the taxpayer's dime isn't much of a PROCESS. As for what your MISSION is, I can't seem to find it on the TCC website. An oversight, I'm sure.

  7. a 10 million dollar meeting room just for her. Very impressive.

  8. It's a shame the Dailey Times won't do a story on this waste. They advertise they have a watchdog, were is she at on this one.

  9. Why dosen't she pony up the recepts on the Blue Dog Cafe in Snow Hill.

  10. The receipt is PUBLIC Information.

  11. She is/was a double dipper. Guess with this position and using my taxdollars to eat, she is a triple dipper. Go figure.

  12. "The receipt is PUBLIC Information." Oh? Where? In fact, can someone point to where the TCC budgets can be viewed? You know, those things that show where and how the budgeted funds were spent? Clearly, they must be public information too.

  13. I'm sure the council visits businesses that don't have food.


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