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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 3-26-13

As Election Day approaches, it is time to change the future direction of Salisbury.

Salisbury has been entrenched in a decade of poor leadership. Any positive activity that has come forward has been through the efforts of the council majority, not the mayor. It is time to elect a new mayor, who has business experience and will dedicate his efforts on a full time basis.

Joe Albero has the experience and background necessary to change Salisbury. Albero will be a full-time mayor who will be more transparent and less confrontational then our current mayor.

We also must remember the mayor could not effectively lead without competent members on council. Debbie Campbell has proved her abilities and she remains loyal to the citizens of Salisbury. Campbell has stood her ground and has served this city with integrity and accountability.

Don’t be fooled by her challenger, Jake Day. Campbell represents the citizens, not special-interest groups or developers seeking to land grab within the city.

Campbell must be and should be re-elected; her efforts on the council have been affective and beneficial to Salisbury.

It is time for the rebirth of this community, with the re-election of Campbell and the election of Albero as mayor.

Bruce W. Webster


  1. Unfortunately Jake Day HAS fooled many city residents--ones who vehemently dislike Ireton. Jake Day is no different from Jim Ireton, they are both puppets of SAPOA and the Barrie Tilghman cabal. WTF up.

  2. Excellent letter. Well written. Dead on point.


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