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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Berlin Council Supports Brewery’s Special Event Plans

BERLIN -- Burley Oak Brewery is looking to to partner with town businesses to provide four different weekend festivals aimed at attracting craft beer devotees to Berlin.

“The craft beer demographic is one that we like to have in town because they like to spend money,” said Burley owner Bryan Brushmiller. “We’ve seen it work well for us. So we decided to do four events that would bring this demographic to town.”

The festivals would be staggered quarterly, taking place once every two or three months. All would involve outside space and live entertainment.



  1. This is the same council that would not allow the purchase of alcohol for outside consumption. Seems like they are not consistent.

  2. Isn't it funny how this guy who bid on the old firehouse was able to get his idea off the ground in a couple of months and the Gillis guy couldn't get his act together in nearly a year to even get started? No wonder the council said enough.

  3. Planning events like this in congress with the City is a great idea, as long as the whole Shore is on board. How many times has Sunfest spring and fall falen on the same weekend as Salisburyfest and other car shows? There should be an area "Fest" every weekend planned to keep our hotels and restaraunts full on a regular basis, and it takes COORDINATION AND PLANNING.
    Fla keys.com


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