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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Americans Seriously Digging Irish Whiskey: Sales Increased 400% In The Last 10 Years

Maybe you cried when you heard about all thatScottish whisky going down the drain, but it sounds like Americans hold Irish whiskey in a very special place in our hearts: Drinkers have swilled enough of the stuff to give it an almost 400% boost in the booze market since 2002. It is much better than the green beer we see St. Patrick’s Day revelers chugging and often depositing into street corner trash cans.

MarketWatch says Irish whiskey is the fastest growing category in the American spirits market with that 400% increase. Even in the last year it’s grown 22.5%, says the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States.

1 comment:

  1. With the president we have, and the wooden dummy that sits on his lap, the economy, crime, laughing stock of the world, trashing of the constitution, abuse by government and police, etc.,etc., it's no wonder more people are drinking whiskey.

    Maybe that will give them courage to do something about the way things are.

    Maybe whiskey will get them off their lazy butts and take back our power we gave to them like an undeserving little child.

    Maybe then we will remember who the real actual boss of this country is,...US.


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