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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Letter To The Editor Ref. Wicomico Humane Society

Hi Joe,

There was a situation on Shamrock Dr concerning 2 dogs living in a home alone. Citizens were trying to get the humane society to come to the residence to try to help. Of course it was a Sunday so no on call officer. Don't understand that as the Humane Society recently received from the county and town of Delmar an additional $65,000 for an additional officer. Instead of working different shifts so one can be on call they work the same hours. When the last director had 2 officers there was always someone on call. So instead the Sheriffs Dept tried to call the shelter director who also couldn't be reached. 

In desperation one of the people trying to help the dogs called Bonnie Gordy the board President and was told if a citizen could get the door open and bring the dogs to the Humane Society they wouldn't say who brought them. Funny telling people to commit a crime rather than doing their job. 

Turns out the dogs had been in this situation for at least a year and the Humane Society was aware of it. But still no action to help these dogs. They are now safely out as the owner turned them over to one of the people trying to help. When this happened David Fitzgerald the Humane Society Director then threatened her with charges for interfering with his investigation. 

Another thing that is also very concerning is that the dogs from Dorchester AC are being moved to Wicomico County and this has come from a worker at the shelter "when AC fills up in Dorchester we just drive over and bring them all back here". I know someone that was at the Humane Society and asked about the dogs that are partitioned off in half the shelter. They were told that they couldn't see them as they weren't the Humane Society dogs. 

Now folks who is footing the bill for this Wicomico County residents or is the Humane Society making money on this. Big question if no one is trying to hide anything why is this being done so quietly. Why are the dogs hidden from the public and only a few chosen for adoption. Considering that there are only a few dog ever on the adoption floor what is happening to all of the county dogs. This facility hides so much from the public. That tells me there is something wrong.  They have a $700,000 a year budget and hold fund raisers every week. Where is all the money going. Surely not to the animals. 

While Mr Fitzgerald is busy spending money to change his domain (the office and lobby) nothing is being done for the animals. Things that were nice when the former director was there are falling apart now. Kitty City looks awful. In the mean time Fitzgerald spends the animals money to drive around on all of his personal business and even business as he is still with the fire dept in Berlin and has been seen many times there during the time he is being paid to be at the Humane Society. Must be nice to be related to the board president keep it all in the family and keep the family secrets behind closed doors. 

They need to be audited and the County Counsel needs to see to it that they are. All of us have the right to know how money is being spent there. All of us help support this place with out tax dollars. Please call the Counsel and demand an accounting of every dime spent. The results will be very interesting.


  1. the goverment is set up to waste money,,not make money! that is why they hire the stupidest people possable!

    1. 9:21am, they're not really as stupid as you or I would think. They just pretend to be because that's what good thieves do.

  2. Spell check, a great invention.

  3. It is required that one meeting a year of the HS board of directors be an open meeting. All members are to be given 30 days notice of the meeting. Before the current director, the meeting was held in May. No open meeting was held last year. The director was new, but the board wasn't.
    It is troubling that the new director with no training or experience is paid more than the former director who was trained, always on call and had over a decade of experience. If family ties between the current director and board president are cited as the reason, citizens are quickly told the two people are not related. Technically true, the untrained, inexperienced director is a nephew-in-law.

  4. Damn humans.Can't be trusted.They prove it over and over.Animals,especially dogs,can be trusted.Humans need to take note.

  5. Why haven't charges been filed?

  6. I find it very interesting that the same problems and complaints are consistently occurring under Mr. Fitzgerald's watch. Someone needs to go in and take a look at what exactly is is happening with our Humane Society. It's time that we all stood up and advocate for the animals at the shelter. Ultimately they are the ones who will suffer.

  7. There definetly needs to be some accounting going on...those dogs being stuck in that house for that length of time is horrible...I say shame on the owners of that house and the shelter for at least not investigating this situation and where is the accountablility on the part of the owner???? What is Wicomico coming to..are we as taxpayers just to pay the money in and not ask the hard questions..WHERE IS IT GOING? I don't go work everyday to pay my taxes so a few can profit from my hard labor...Joe, I hope with all I'm worth you get in...no one will put their feet to the fire like you will...please don't let us down..there's already enough waste in this country and Wicomico County going on...For the love of GOD somebody do the right thing for a change!!

  8. it seems to be same old same old with the organization as it seems it was the same stuff with Lugo and Usilton too just let the county run the whole thing and be done with it once and for all

  9. Always seems to be smoke coming from that place. When is someone going to look for the fire?

  10. I would definately like to see an audit done to show where the money from the Tax Payers is going , along with all that's being brought in from various fund raisers & the people of this County have access to that!!!

    I was out there last week---hardly any animals there as have been in the past under different management.

    County Council----It's your responsibility to set up rules for these people to follow since you're providing so much money from the people of this County. Your not doing so is definately disrespectful to its citizens. So when is this going to happen ??? Soon I Hope & would like to here your opinions on this Blogg site!


  11. The County Council and County Administrator need to step up and turn Animal Control over to the Sherriff where employees are trained and held responsible for their actions. Also TAKE OVER control of the Humane Society and make it a COUNTY run animal shelter like other shelters in other counties.

  12. 4:05 & 4:08 pm I've been told the County has contracted with the HS for Animal Control ONLY! That's where our tax dollars go. The "Wicomico Humane Society" is a non-profit organization and the membership can vote board members on and off the board.

    Also, if the Sheriff's Department takes over Animal Control, do you really think the animals would be put up for adoption??? NO, they would just be killed. Remember the county's only authority is Animal Control, not looking for people to adopt animals. So, come up with a better plan.

  13. Fitzgerald,now there's a joke. Hasn't anyone put two and two together, same clown in the Berlin Fire Company that is charged with discrimination and total lack of legal compliance. He was fired from Worcester County Emergency Services, now the trash is picked up in Wicomico. HELLO!

  14. County Council, County Council

    What about the County EXECUTIVE, you fools!

    Just like in Salisbury, you think everything comes down to the council. What about the braggarts in charge? Hold THEIR feet to the fire!

  15. This is not a "witch hunt", this is simply seems like the exposure of a corrupt organization that just happens to have thousands and thousands of dollars, along with the powerful determination to end the life of many adoptable dogs, and the inability to run a "humane" animal shelter without feeding their own egos and pockets.

    Unaccounted money, dogs from other counties, dogs going to other county shelters, rampant euthanasia and poor records of those drugs used to kill animals, closed doors for secrecy and neglectful disregard of animals in need such as the house that was just reported to have dogs living in in humane conditions that had to be rescued by citizens, ...and the list goes on.

    Blame is everywhere like flies, the solution to re-staff the entire place is obvious and beyond comprehension that it has not yet occurred. Yet, the city, the county, the councils, the police, and Delmarva residents use NO power to hold our "Humane Society" accountable with consequences and change the entire organization to an ethical, honest shelter.

    Surely, it must be far deeper and more corrupt than we can imagine, as it shares its misdeeds with the pockets of people not yet exposed. Point fingers if you may, but what is needed is some action, such as protestors, picketers, vigilantes, undercover operations like they had in Watergate break-ins, surveillance, undercover "owner surrendered dogs" with vet documentation and undercover adopters wanting a dog just like the one surrendered only to e turned away,... set them up just like police do to other criminals...action is what is next. If you want to end criminal behavior you must act.

    Citizens create change, so, what are YOU waiting for?


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