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Saturday, February 09, 2013

USPS Update

Saturday stamped mail won't be the only thing disappearing from the Postal Service under its new cost-cutting plan. So will millions of man hours. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe says ending Saturday first class will reduce USPS' man-hour requirements by the equivalent of 22,500 people. But, Donahoe says, most of that will come by cutting overtime and part-time work. In all, the decision to end Saturday first class mail will save USPS $2 billion a year. But the Postal Service may have a fight on its hands. Two House members are already questioning USPS management's authority to make the change.


  1. I'm going to hate doing everything by computer,but it looks as if it's coming to that.Customer service is a thing of the past.The USPS is the only non computer method of paying things like mortgage payments and life insurance,etc.When it all switches to computers,hackers will have a field day.

  2. If they are still going to deliver packages, direct medicines, etc. on Saturdays how is that going to reduce cost? If they deliver packages why not the mail? Just asking if anyone knows the answer.

  3. 8:43, Last Friday, I received an overnight envelope sent UPS, but it arrived via USPS! I understand the package delivery frequently use the others' services, so maybe they just plan to farm out Saturday deliveries to FedEx and UPS.

  4. why doesn't the house give them a subsidy? It's the only federal agency they don't give money to. Usps is run solely on the sale of postage.


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