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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Drug Treatment Advocates Protest Funding Cuts To Md. Rehab Centers

Drug treatment advocates and addiction counselors testified at a budget hearing Wednesday to protest a proposed $4.5 million cut to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration budget, which they said would have a devastating impact on Maryland’s cash-strapped drug treatment programs.

Leaders of these programs told the House Appropriations Health and Human Resources Subcommittee that they provided a vital service to the state’s most vulnerable citizens and that they would be unable to serve all the drug addicts that asked for help if their funding was cut in fiscal year 2014.

Current levels of funding are insufficient already, they said, explaining that many of their organizations were on the verge of bankruptcy.



  1. I'm all for budget cuts but this measured doesn't seem to be too well thought out. We should be providing any assistance we can to addicts looking to get cleaned up. Where do you thinks these addicts end up without treatment? Holding up the gas station, robbing people, burglarizing homes, and prostituting all in the pursuit of drug money. Now you're talking additional costs for law enforcement, property damage, and decreasing home values, just to name a few of unforeseen consequences.

  2. go getters needs to be closed to.

  3. Don't worry, obamacare will make sure all the addicts get the treatment they need, along with all the food stamps, unemployment and heating oil they need!

  4. Stop the "war on Drugs" expenditure, and there will be MORE than enough money to support Rehab. Unfortunately, jails generate too much profit now, so we keep filling then.

  5. 9:01 - don't forget the free phone.
    Every junkie needs a free Obama phone. How else you gonna get ahold of the man when you are jonesing.

  6. Dont worry you lugnuts dont support the rehabs and you will pay for more people to go to jail and it is way more costly to put them in jail as opposed to treatment. duh


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